dancing with you

466 21 63

also found in my crack book, due to my displeasure on how it turned out.
category: oneshot
word count: 1426

"So, you're telling me, in all the years you've been alive, you've never once have been taught to dance?"

Alucard shot an annoyed looked at Gusion.  "Yes, that's what I said to an extent."  He responded, arms crossing as a frown slipped its way onto his face.  It wasn't (technically) his fault he didn't learn, he just never had the damned time nor the patience to give it a chance.  Now, that consequence of such was coming up damn fast--a celebration was to be held in honor of the Moniyan defeat over the Abyss.  It was going to be a huge event, hunters if not thousands people there, and by the gods almighty Alucard didn't know how to fucking dance.

Gusion snickered at the look he received, finding it amusing to poke at Alucard whenever he got the chance.  But, funny matters aside, Alucard couldn't dance, and as a major role in the fight against the Abyss, eyes would be upon him, and if he was dragged out onto the dance floor...

Gusion cleared his throat, fighting down a smirk and laugh at the image of Alucard doing horribe at dancing in a room full of people.  It'd be quite the embarrassment, really.  "I'll teach you, then.  It's easy, so you should be able to pick up on it quickly."  He hummed, beckoning  the other closer.

"Since when did you become a dance instructor?"  Alucard grumbled before walking closer to the other.

"Since you needed to learn how to dance."  Gusion chimed, that damned smirk still on his face.  "Now, first, the position,"  The mage placed one of his hands on Alucard's waist and grabbed Alucard's hand with the other.  "Your free hand goes on my shoulder."  Alucard did as told, somewhat awkwardly placing his hand on Gusion's shoulder.  Gusion nodded with approval.  "Good.  Now for the dance itself."  Oh, his feet were going to hurt like hell after this weren't they?

The process of teaching Alucard how to dance was most definitely not as easy as Gusion had thought it'd be, but they got through it.  Yes, maybe they shouldn't have been practicing outside in the forest, and perhaps that was Gusion's fault for suggesting to teach Alucard right on the spot, but it was no matter.  It'd just be easier for the demon hunter when it was on flat ground.  At least, that's what Gusion hoped.

"See?  I told you it'd be easy!"    Gusion proclaimed with a grin as the two smoothly went through the movements, Alucard no longer accidentally stepping on his foot.

"I swear to God, I will step on your damn feet again.  On purpose."  Alucard shot back with a glare that had to fire behind it.

Gusion would've loved to say it was an empty threat, but he wouldn't put it past Alucard to do such a thing.  So, instead, with his position in the lead, he suddenly dipped Alucard down, the grin on his face widening.

"Gusion what the fu--"

The mage cut the demon hunter off with a quick kiss on the lips, laughing at the flustered look he was given.  He pulled Alucard back up, letting go of him and instead wrapping his arms loosely around Alucard's neck.  "I think that's enough for today, yeah?"

Alucard, trying to wipe the blush off of his face with an annoyed look, wrapped his arms around Gusion's waist, letting his forehead rest on the other's.  "I think it's enough for a lifetime."  He responded.  Obviously, he definitely wasn't fond of dancing, which earned a chuckle from Gusion.  It'd be too bad for Alucard that he'd have to dance again soon.


The days went fast, and, soon enough, it was the day of the celebration.  People mingled with eachother, talking amongst themselves with wine glasses filled with alcohol or just plain water.  Mainly, though, people tried to talk with the heroes, the ones who had fought the battles themselves.  They crowded around the heroes, and, unfortunately, Gusion was apart of one of those crowds.  It'd be rude to just break away, so he had to silently curse as his gaze scanned the room for Alucard before the music started, cueing the dance.  Unfortunately, he couldn't find Alucard in time, and softly the music began to play.

"Gusion?"  A female's voice snapped him out of his search.  "Care for a dance?"  Lesley asked, a bit of hopefulness in her voice.

"Sure."  Gusion answered, flashing her a smile.  The two made their way to the dance floor, and began to dance.  It was surprisingly smooth, and, unlike the last time Gusion had danced, he didn't get his foot stepped on nearly as much.

"So how've you been?"  Lesley asked, attempting to start a conversation.

"Decent.  You?"  Gusion responded, eyes still searching the room fo--there.  Alucard was currently being (basically) dragged onto the dance floor, body language obviously showing he did not want to dance.  Gusion had to hold back a snicker, and barely did.

Lesley cleared her throat annoyedly, dragging Gusion's attention back to her.  She rose a brow expectantly, probably had just asked Gusion a question.

Once again, Gusion gave her a smile--was it too obvious it was a forced one?  "Apologies, I got distracted.  Could you say that again?"  He asked, leading their dance over towards Alucard.

"I'd asked if you were enjoying the party so far."

"Yes--there are a lot of people, though, not that I mind to much."  And, finally, he was over by Alucard.  With another smile, he twirled the sniper before letting go of her, the current song coming to an end.  "Have a nice rest of the night, Lesley."

"Wait, what-"

Gusion didn't hear her finish, as he'd turned around to Alucard and the person who'd dragged him out to dance--Miya, was it?  "Sorry for interrupting, but may I borrow Alucard for this next song?"

A confused look appeared on Miya's face, but she smiled and agreed anyways.  "Of course."

Gusion wouldn't blame Miya for her confusion, though--it was weird for him to be asking for Alucard's hand in dance considering the fact they were hadn't been released to the public yet.  Well, to anyone, really.  All anyone knew is that the two were usually off doing stuff together; fighting, doing missions, you name it.

The melody of the new song started up, and, with a grin, Gusion held out his hand.  "Spare me a dance?"

Alucard rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he grabbed Gusion's hand, placing his other hand onto Gusion's shoulder as he'd been taught.  "Cheesy."  He commented, but the corners of his lips were upturned in the ghost of a smile.

The mage winked in return as he led Alucard throughout the dance floor, the two chatting throughout the song.  And then the next song.  To a bystander, it looked like the two were just passing time, dancing as they talked.  Perhaps just taking a break from the crowd.  Yet, as the second song was slowly coming to an end, Gusion had less the dance to the center  of the floor, and suddenly dipped Alucard down once again.

Alucard raised a brow, knowing well that Gusion wouldn't drop him.  The notes of the music swirled around them, the notes casting an air around them.  Gusion had lowered his head, face close to Alucard's, mere inches away.

"I want to kiss you."

The words were soft and quiet, wanting invitation.  Both of them knew eyes were on them, knew what people would see, knew that people wouldn't expect such an act to happen.  Not between them.

"Then do it."

No other words were needed.  Gusion closed the gap between them, kissing Alucard as the song's final notes rang throughout the room.  Alucard kissed Gusion back, somewhat wishing he was the one on top in this situation.  Nevertheless, though, he loved it, loved Gusion.  He moved the hand he had on Gusion's shoulder to his cheek, cupping the side of his lover's face with his hand as they kissed.  The two pulled away a few seconds after the song had played its final chord, the musicians taking a small break for the people before they played another song.  The room was a bit more quiet than before, as subtle as it was to notice, but it was.

The pair straightened again, a smile wide on Gusion's face.  "Do you want to take a break?"

Alucard shrugged, smoothing down a stray strand of Gusion's hair as he spoke.  "I don't mind dancing as long as it's with you."

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