A Life to Remember (8)

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ch9 has nsfw.  i have decided 100% there is going to be nsfw, but not all of it will be--I will place a comment on where it ends, hopefully.  I don't know how long the chapter will be, though, so take this warning as you will.  I won't update this to match ch9, and instead will post the warnings && such there.  Love y'all ♡
category: series
word count: 1341

The progress to the house was slow.  Everything about him seemed.. sluggish.  Like he hadn't moved in a while.  It frustrated Alucard, but Gusion seemed to be able to wait for it.  Patience.  It seemed Gusion had more of it than he did himself.  As they walked back to the house, some people.. stared.  It was unnerving.  He could sense Gusion getting agitated by it so he did his best to quicken his slow-going pace to get to the house quicker.  And, so, they arrived.

The house most definitely felt familiar, memories as ig just below the surface.  He took his time, now, as he walked up the few stairs to the porch, hand lightly touching the dark-colored wood ornamenting the house.  The porch itself..

"Alu..  Oh, gods..!  Yes, a million ti-"

"Did you say something?"  Alucard turned to to face Gusion, confusion on his face.  The voice was undoubtedly Gusion's, so why would-

"No, I didn't say anything."  The brunet responded, the frown on his face visible even with the cowl of his hood's shadow.  "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just thought.."  Alucard trailed off, glancing back to where he'd been looking before he turned to Gusion and sighed, shaking his head.  "I'm probably just tired.  Let's just go in."

Gusion made no comment, one giving him a lingering glance before walking into the house, a breath of relaxation leaving him as he took off his cloak, hanging it on an empty spot on the hanger.  Without even realizing he was doing it, Alucard did the same with his own jacket, blinking in surprise at his own actions.  It seemed so.. natural for him, and yet-

"They're already starting to come back, yeah?"  Gusion asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah.  I think.  Some things just feel.. right, I suppose."  Like relaxing into you when you massaged my head earlier.  Alucard shoved the thought away, placing a hand on the nape of his neck.  "I think being here will help a lot.  It already seems familiar here, but I can't place it yet."

Gusion hummed, absently fixing the sway of his hair.  "I should hope it does.  There's a lot of memories in this house, so being here must trigger some things."

There was a bit of silence, which was broken was Alucard questioned, "So.. do we both live here?  Like roommates, I suppose."

Gusion blinked, face showing an emotion Alucard couldn't quite catch before it was wiped away.  "Roommates.  Yeah, you could say that."  He agreed with a shrug.  He added on, albeit a bit too quickly, "Do you have any other questions?  I'd be happy to answer them."

"Ah..  Nothing much.  Could you perhaps.. tour me around?  Perhaps some questions about myself as we go on."

"Of course."  Gusion gestured for Alucard to follow.

Alucard--obviously--followed, listening to Gusion as he gave him a tour of their familiar house.  He was silent, other than for any questions he had, all of which Gusion answered.  During the whole tour, though, he couldn't help but notice there seemed to be something.. off, with Gusion.  Something he couldn't quite place, and it was bugging him.  Was Gusion irked?  No.  Annoyed, perhaps?  No.  Tense?  Couldn't be.  Dammit!  The fact that he couldn't place the vibe that was emitting from Gusion irked Alucard to no end--as if he wasn't annoyed enough by his loss of memory!  Damm the Creator!

As the little miniature-tour neared its end, the duo ending up in the living room, Alucard had a few questions, ones that he hoped wouldn't bother Gusion for being a bit.. personal.

"I have a few more questions, if you don't mind.  They're.. about you, if that's alright."

Gusion paused for a second, shrugging before he responded, "As I've said, ask away."  He leaned on the wall, arms crossed, shoulders relaxed.  Obviously, he felt at home in the house.

"Why do you wear that cloak out in public?"

"Ah."  Gusion glanced away for a second, gaze shifting over to where the grey article was hanging behind a wall.  "It's a.. gift.  Figured it would do me well to wear it, especially where I was at the time.  As well, people here tend to.. well, stare at-"  Gusion gestured to his face.  "-this."  He sighed, looking a bit annoyed.

The scar was definitely prominent.  It hadn't healed all too nicely, it seemed, and it had definitely had to have been decently deep when Gusion had gotten it.  Honestly, it'd been something Alucard had wanting to ask Gusion about and, hell, here was a perfect opportunity.

"Where'd you get that scar, by the way?  I've been meaning to ask you."

Gusion visibly tensed at the question, and Alucard inwardly cringed at his own dumbassery for asking.  But, then again, Gusion had told him he could ask anything he wanted.

"I'd rather not talk about it."  Gusion's voice was short, clipped.  Obviously, Alucard had hit a nerve.  In a more.. distasteful and accusatory tone, Gusion added on, "If you want an answer, ask Tigreal.  After all, he's told you so much about what's happened already."

"You say it like he's done something wrong."  Tigreal hadn't, right?  The only thing the general had done was tell him his injury before leaving--of course, after Gusion had been slowly killing him with his gaze.  "Why do you seem to hate him so much anyways?"

"That's irrelevant.  If he wants to tell you whatever web he builds, then so be it.  I refuse to take part in any of his bullshit.  If he tells you things, he should tell them properly.  Not whatever he..  Dammit!"  Gusion cut himself off, another swear leaving him.

Confusion filled Alucard.  Had Tigreal not told him everything?  Of course, it could be understood if some parts of the story were omitted because of his memory, but..  What was Tigreal not telling him?  And why wasn't Gusion telling him?  "It's fine, Gusion.  Just tell me when you're ready, I suppose."  It was best to drop this subject for now.

Gusion looked like he had something else to say, but such stayed sit inside of him.  Alucard doubted he'd hear it for a while.  At least Gusion looked relieved for the topic to be dropped, which Alucard couldn't help be happy about.  He didn't want to stress Gusion out.  "Thank you."

Alucard nodded, sitting down on the couch.  "If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me a bit about us?  As in, things we've done together.  That sort of stuff."

The newer topic was obviously even more of a relief to Gusion.  A smile appeared on the brunet's face as a hum escaped him.  "There's too many to recount all at once, so you won't be able to hear them all right now."

"That's fine, I've got time.  The most recent thing I have on my mind right now is going to sleep."

That earned a laugh from Gusion.  "Fine, fine.  I'll start from when we first met.  After a few, though, you're going to bed."

"Seriously?"  Alucard groaned, annoyed at such a demand.

"Yes, seriously."  Gusion huffed, rolling his eyes at Alucard's annoyance.  "You need to rest.  It's good for your health."


"Shut it.  Now, the stories.  Our first encounter.."

Such went on for the next few days, Gusion telling him a few stories every day.  It was never much, for fear of causing Alucard's head to shoot out shockwaves of pain onto him, but, nevertheless, was something.  Some memories were unlocked, faint at first, but became clearer as time went.  None hadn't been what Gusion  hadn't told him yet, but Alucard could only hope that maybe he'd start recovering memories on his own soon.  Especially since some memories still seemed to be.. lacking.  Especially since some of these memories had a feeling in them that he couldn't quite pin down, which annoyed him.  It was what it was, though.  He wouldn't let it keep him up through the night.  He'd make progress soon.  It would just take time.

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