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How am I to trust again?
How am I to feel again?

You have changed me-
For good.

The words you spoke,
Seeping into my veins.
A toxin.
I can never rid of,
Neither forgiving nor forgetting.

Once upon a time,
We were happy,
You and I.
Now you're gone
Leaving me behind.

Left with only the truths of my mind.

Never to trust,
Never to understand.
If you could leave,
Anyone can leave-

Everyone WILL leave.

If they leave,
what is the purpose of friendship?
If they leave,
does trust truly matter?
If they leave,
is the act of love hollow?

Love breaks,
And it kills
What is within.

The price of love
Is loss.
I will not pay.

Not again.

Waves of GriefWhere stories live. Discover now