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Blackening all around
I had been trampled to the ground -
My mind is lost between the cracks.
Crying, no one to hear my sound,
only echoes bringing my voice back.

I wished for another day,
another chance,
another life,
another -


I wished for others to see,
That I might live again.

The dawn began to break,
My mistakes,
My hate, not undone
But forgiven in a new light.

I am not alone,
The light shines through the dark,
The tears roll,
Not of hate,

Not of sadness,

But of acceptance.

The darkness still creeps,
my vision sinking still.

I am no longer in the
A new light has arrived,
A light of a new dawn!

A new world with new feelings.
A new path with new adventures.
A new life with new people.

I still visit the darkness,

But the light perceivers,
Into the night,
Finding the dark not so horrifying,
If she only remembers-
to turn on the light.

Waves of GriefWhere stories live. Discover now