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Look at the bright side I am told.

But where can brightness be found when
you're alone
in all-consuming darkness?

People say odd things,
People believe hope can be found.
People think they can help,

But they can't,

And they won't.

Be strong they say.

But you are gone,
Never to return.

I am alone,
My thoughts running rampant
I have no one
To keep me calm

I do not have the strength to overcome.

It is for the better.

But I'd rather have my brother.

My thoughts begin to flood
jammed inside my brain.

Can't find a way out.
Losing who I am,
Forgetting my past,
What I wanted,
Who I could be.

I don't want better,
I want normal.

People want to hear.
People want to listen.
People want to suggest,

No one wants to help.

Locked in a prison of the mind.
Only hearing people,
Never helping, always telling,
Only manifesting my personal prison

of insanity.

Waves of GriefWhere stories live. Discover now