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Sage's POV

"MOMMY I NEED HELP." I hear Luna yell.

"COMING." I say then walk to her room. "You yelled?"

"Can you zip me up."

"Sure." I say then zip up my daughter's dress. "There we go."

"Thanks Mommy."

"Of course. When you two are ready your Mama and I need to talk to the two of you in the kitchen."

Luna nods so I head back down stairs and join my wife in the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I walk up to Mal and hug her.

"Woah...baby what's wrong?" Mal asks.

"Our babies are growing up" I say and sniffle a bit.

"Yeah. It feels like just yesterday they were sleeping in their cribs now their out taking on the world."

"I think Daisy will like that." I hear Luna say and I hear two pairs of heels coming down the stairs.

I un wrap my arms from around Mal then wipe my eyes and turn around.

"You said you needed to speak with us." Paris says.

"Here." Mal and I say and hand the girls flowers.

"Um?" Luna says.

"They're for your dates." Mal says.

"Knowing Daisy and Demi this will make their night even more special." I say.

Luna and Paris nod then come over and hug and kiss Mal and I goodbye then take their flowers and leave. Mal and I then head up to our room to get ready for our date night.

"So what do you wanna do tonight Sagey." Mal asks as she strips in front of me.

Yeah my wife is still gorgeous.

"Well first you and I are going to take a shower together..." I say.

Mal walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck and my hands snake around her waist and rest on her ass.

"Shower sex?" My bride asks and I nod.

"Yep. Then we can order food and eat here."

"That sounds nice." Mal says.

I then ghost my lips over hers

"Then I'm having you for dessert."

- - - - -

Luna's POV

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. It's just Demi.

"Hi Mrs. Stratton." I say after the front door opens.

"Hi Luna. Demi is putting her shoes on." Demi's Mom says and lets me into the house.

A few seconds laters I hear heels clicking making me look up the stairs to see a walking goddess.

"Wow." I say.

"Like what you see?" Demi playfully asks as I help her the last few steps down the stairs.

"I like what I see a lot." I say and Demi blushes. "Oh these are for you."

I hand her the flowers which, thanks to Mommy and Mama, are her favorite.

"They're beautiful." Demi says and smells them.

"I got these." Demi's Mom says and takes the flowers. "I want her home by 10 Luna."

"Yes Ma'am." I say. 

Demi and I then make our way out the house, to my car with me helping her into the car, and to the restaurant. Once at the restaurant we order our food then talk and eat until about 9:15. I then pay our bill then we head back to Demi's house.

"I had fun tonight." Demi says as we approach her front door.

"So did I." I say then unapologetically let my eyes roam my crushes body. "I know I already said this, but you look absolutely beautiful."

"You look beautiful yourself." Demi says and then hugs me.

"I'll see you Monday morning Dems."

"Sounds good. Text me when you get home please." Demi says.

I nod and kiss Demi's cheek. Demi then goes into her house and I head home.

- - - - -

Paris' POV

"Hi Mr. Pendleton." I say after knocking on Daisy's door.

"Hi Paris." Daisy's dad says then footsteps approach.

Daisy's dad moves out of the way allowing me to see Daisy.

"Woah." I say.

"What? Do you not like what I'm wearing?" Daisy asks.

I shouldn't have said that knowing her insecurities can get to her.

"I love what you're wearing Daisy...it's just..."

"Just what?"

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Daisy says and blushes.

"Oh these are for you." I say and hand Daisy her flowers which are coincidently her favorites.

Daisy grabs them then sniffs them and smiles.

"Thanks." Daisy says.

"I'll go put these in some water for you." Daisy's dad says then takes the flowers and kisses Daisy's head. "You girls have a good time."

Daisy and I then head to the car where I open her door and help her inside. Once Daisy is safely inside I go around to my side and hop in then head to the restaurant. On the way to the restaurant, as Daisy and I are talking, Daisy reaches over and grabs my hands and interlocks our fingers making me smile.

"What?" Demi says. I guess she saw my smile.

"Nothing. My hand just likes where it's at right now." I say

"Well we'll have to get your hand in this position more often."

I raise our hands towards me and kiss Daisy's hand making her blush.

When we reach the restaurant the two of us walk into the restaurant and give the host my name and go to our table. The next couple of hours we eat and talk like we are the only two people on earth. When the check comes Daisy goes to grab it, but I put my hand on it first and pull it to me.

"Paris." Daisy says and glares at me.

"I asked therefore I pay." I say.

"Fine, but I pay for the next one."

"There's going to be a next one?" I say with a smile.

"There's going to be many more." Daisy says with a smirk.

I pay the bill then Daisy and I head out to the car then I drive Daisy home.

"I'll see you Monday morning?" I say once we are on her front porch.

"Maybe sooner Pear." Daisy says then hugs me and kisses my cheek and then heads into her house.

I stand there for a few seconds then get in my car and head home. When I pull up to the house I see Luna get out of her car with a goofy smile on her face.

"Date go well?" I ask after getting out of the car.

"Yeah." Luna says and smiles. "How'd yours go?"

"It went great."

Luna and I then lock our cars then walk into the house. When we get to the kitchen we see Mommy looking in the fridge in just a silk robe.

"Have a nice date night Mommy?" Luna asks.

"Yep." Mommy says and grabs two water bottles then heads up stairs. "You two be quiet when you go to bed...Your Mama had a long night."

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