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Luna's POV


Junior year was a bitch. So many tests and stuff for college.

It was a good year for Paris and I though. Paris and the school soccer team won back to back state titles and she was an all-American which is awesome. I won the state singing competition and got to write music for a local play which was actually very fun.

Yesterday was the last day of Junior year and today one of the popular kids is having a party and invited the whole school. Right now Demi is helping me get ready.

"Babygirl stop." I say when Demi bites her lip while looking at me. "You know what that does to me."

"Sorry daddy." Demi says.

"I did not just hear that." Mama says causing me to turn around and see her and Mommy in the doorway of my room.

"Luna curfew is at midnight...and that goes for you and your sister, so both of you come home together." Mommy says.

"Okay Mommy."

Mama and Mommy leave and Paris and Daisy come into the room.

"Daddy? Really Demi?" Daisy says.

"Well from what you've told me Paris is..." Demi goes to say, but gets cut off.

"Mommy entering the room. Please stop this conversation." Mommy says and a couple seconds later she comes into the room.

"Yes Mommy?" Paris says.

"Here." Mommy says and gives us some money. "This is for dinner."

"Thanks Mommy." Paris and I say then kiss Mommy's cheek.

"Of course. Have fun, stay safe and be home by midnight."

"Yes Mommy."

After everyone is ready we pile into my car since and head to Five Guys and grab dinner. Once we finish eating dinner the party has been going on for 30 minutes so we decide to head over there.

"Is the whole school here?" Daisy asks after seeing all the cars.

Once we find somewhere to park the four of us split up into the couples. Demi and I go grab a soda then we head to the dance floor. Demi and I stay on the dance floor for hours with us dancing sensually.

We only stop dancing to make out.

"If we keep going like this then I'm gonna do something I regret." I say when we need air.

"And what will you regret?" Demi says.

"I'd regret taking you right here right now."

"Bedroom. Now." Demi growls.

- - - - -

"You know I'm glad you sing and play guitar." Demi says as she press her body to mine after we've both had came down from our multiple highs.

"And why is that babygirl?" I ask.

"Because your fingers and tongue are magical." Demi says and kisses me in my weak spot causing me to moan.

"If you keep talking like that then we may never leave this bedroom."

"I wouldn't mind."

"WHOEVER'S IN THERE GET OUT." Someone says behind the door making both of groan

Demi and I put our clothes back on and leave the room.

The party continues to fly by and everything is going great until somebody had to ruin the fun.

"COPS." Someone yells and everyone bolts out of the house.

I grab Demi's hand and we run to the car, but on the way to the car I see Paris lying on the ground and Daisy is trying to get her up.

"Move." I say.

Daisy moves and I pick up Paris who is passed out drunk and carry her to the car and put her in the back with Daisy as Demi gets into the front seat. I then jump into the drivers seat and speed away.

"Paris I swear to god if you puke in my car." I say after hearing my sister dry heaving.

"She's okay." Daisy says as she takes care of her girlfriend.

"Who am I dropping off first?"

"Just drop us off at my house." Demi says.

I nod then drive to Demi's house and once there Daisy and Demi sneak into the house. At this moment I finally notice the time.

"Shit." I say when I see it's 4 am.

I drive Paris and I home and once there I help her out of the car.

"Fuck Paris. What is Mommy feeding you?" I say while carrying Paris' dead weight into the house.

The only response I get is a slur of words then Paris decides to screw us.

"THAT PARTY WAS S-" Paris yells before I put my hand on her mouth.

"Paris shut up or you'll wake Mommy and Mama up." I say.


- - - - -

Sage's POV

"Mal where are they?" I ask while pacing in the living room at four in the fucking morning.

"I don't know Sagey." Mal says.

We then hear the garage door open.

"Paris shut up or you'll wake Mommy and Mama up." Luna says.


"Shit." Luna mumbles.

"Where have you been? Do you know how worried we've been? I almost called the police 4 times. We said be home by midnight not 4 in the fucking morning." I ramble until Mal kisses me softly.

"Babygirl I need you to calm down." Mal says and runs her thumb over my cheek.

I nod then look back at my twins.

"Paris are you drunk?" I ask.

"What? Psh...No." She says then hiccups.

"Sit." I say and point to the couch.

Instantly Paris turns sober and then the twins sit on the couch and we all sit in silence.

"Sorry Mommy." Paris says causing me to sigh which causes Mal to rub my thigh to keep me calm.

"Paris we're not mad you drank, even though it's illegal and you better not do it again until you're 21." I say and Paris nods.

"Girls we had no clue where you were. We were scared something happened to you. As much as you hate when we call you it you two are always going to be our little girls and we just want you two to be safe...your Mommy and I can't live without you two. " Mal says.

"Sorry." Paris and Luna say.

"It's alright. You two are safe and that's all that matters." I say.

"But you're still grounded for a week." Mal says.

"Yep." I say when the girls groan. "You will give us your phones the minute you get home from school, you only get your car to go to and from school or practice, and no girlfriends in the house."

"Yes Mommy." The twins say.

"Now...Please come here." Mal says.

The twins come over and Mal and I pull them into a group hug.

"We really are sorry." Paris says.

"We know baby." Mal says.

"We just need a hug to calm our nerves." I say.

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