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Sage's POV

"Oh how I've missed you two." I say after opening the door to reveal my daughter and her wife.

"Hi Mommy." Paris says and hugs me.

"Hi Mama S." Daisy says and hugs me.

Paris and Daisy are now 28 and married. They've been married for five years and they got married after Daisy finished law school. I knew she was smart, but I didn't know she'd get done with law school at the age of 23.

"How are you feeling Daisy?" I ask.

"Morning sickness sucks, but other than that I feel good." Daisy says.

Daisy's 13 weeks pregnant.

"That's good. Everyone else is in the living room."

The three of us then walk into the living room and sit with the rest of our family. I sit in the open spot next to Mom.

"Luna how's your pregnancy going?" Paris asks.

Luna is 13 weeks pregnant too. They really couldn't have planned this any better. The two couples didn't even know the other was trying so that was a shocking family dinner.

"It's good. Just waiting to find out the gender." Luna says and looks at Demi.

Luna and Demi are 28 also and married as well. They got married when Demi graduated college. If I didn't know any better I'd think Demi and Daisy were twins. They both did the same thing in college and both graduated law school at 23.

Oh Demi and Daisy took our daughter's last name which I thought was kinda cool.

"How's the law firm going?" I ask.

"It's going good. Were very busy though which kinda sucks because of long hours." Daisy says.

Demi and Daisy started a law firm together and they're, according to their wives, the best on the east coast.

"I got it Sagey." Mal says after the doorbell rings. She also kisses me as she walks by.

"I see that nickname still makes your heart flutter." Mom whispers.

"It's Mal. Everything she does makes my heart flutter."

"I know the feeling." Mom says and looks at Mama which causes me to smile. "What's got you so smiley?"

"It's just nice to know you and Mama are still very much in love." I say.


"Coming." Paris says then goes and helps her mom bring the Pizza's and drinks into the living room.

We let the pregnant ladies decide on what to have for dinner.

Everyone grabs what they want then return to their seats.

"So Gracie how's Rebecca?" I ask my sister.

My sister is dating Alex's daughter. They met at UNC and have been together since Rebecca's freshman year and Gracie's sophomore year. Gracie stopped playing soccer after high school and recently got her masters in occupational therapy.

"She's good. She wanted to be here, but she has her last final tomorrow." Gracie says.

"Is she done with school after this?"

"Yeah she'll have her masters in physical therapy."

"Cool...You gonna propose?"

"Maybe." Gracie says and smiles.

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