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Luna's POV

My family and I are in LA because it's spring break and because a couple label's want to talk to me.

"Alright Luna you ready?" Mommy asks.

The whole family is sitting in the living room part of our suite. Mommy told me to make them come to us if they really want me to sign

"I-I-I'm a bit nervous." I say.

"It's okay to be nervous baby." Mama says.

"Yes it is." Mommy says. "Just be open and honest with them about what you want and if there is anything you don't like let them know...And if they still don't listen to you let one of us know."

Suddenly there is a knock on the door so I go and open and 4 people in suits step inside.

Bit rude to come in uninvited.

"Hello we are from RCA Records." Someone says.

"Hi I'm Luna." I say then walk into the living room.

"Who's this?" A guy in suit says when he sees my family.

"My family who will be joining us." I say

"That won't be necessary." One of the dudes in a suit says with a smirk.

"Let me rephrase what I just said...My family will be joining us otherwise you can walk back out that door."

The dude in the suit nods then goes over his pitch and then hands me the contract which Mama, Mommy, Paris, and I all read over it.

"If I sign on with your label I will getting my own manager." I say after seeing they will make me have one of their managers.

"We have someone who will know more about the industry and understand where you want to go."

"I highly doubt that."

"And who could be better than our person?"

"Her." I say and point to Mommy.

"And who are you?" One of the A&R's says.

"I'm her mother bitch. Who the fuck are you?" Mommy asks.

"Someone who has won five grammy's so if you could pipe down that be nice."

Mommy goes to say something, but I cut her off.

"I got it Mommy." I say then look at the idiot in the suit."You must really not know who I am. My name is Luna Lloyd-Pugh." I say then point to Mommy. "That's my mommy Sage Lloyd-Pugh an award winning singer and producer."

"I highly doubt that." The A&R says so I smirk at him then I notice my whole family trying not to laugh at this idiots incompetence.

"Mommy?" I say.

"Yes Baby?"

"I forget. How many Grammy's have you won?"

"Last time I counted it was 21." Mommy says.

"21?" The A&R says.

"Yes dumbass. Now leave." I say and point to the door. "There's a reason your label is dying. You don't know shit about potential artists...and all your artist suck."

The four suits leave and I take a moment to compose myself.

"Luna why don't you sign with Mommy's label?" Paris asks.

"Mommy never offered." I say.

"Baby I've always wanted you to sign with us. I just never brought it up because I didn't think you'd want to." Mommy says.

"So can I sign with your label Mommy?"

"Yes Baby you can."

- - - - -

Sage's POV

"GIRLS YOUR GOING TO BE LATE. HURRY UP." I yell up the stairs.

Luna and Paris are graduating high school today and I'm one hundred percent going to lose it.

"We're ready." The twins yell in unison as they walk down the stairs.

They appear in front of Mal and I in white dresses holding their blue cap and gown with all their cords and medals. Their high school is making them wear white underneath their cap and gown.

"My babies are growing up." Mal says then takes a picture.

"Mama." The twins groan.

"Oh hush. Let us have our moment." I say.

Mal takes a couple more pictures and then the twins leave to go to graduation. Mal and I go grab our things then head to the arena.

"You have the tissues right?" I ask as I play with Mal's free hand.

"Yes Sagey I do."

"We're about to have an empty nest."

"Yeah...we should get a dog."

"Maybe." I say as we pull up to the arena.

Mal and I find parking then walk into the arena and meet up with my family and Mal's family. After we had everyone we went and sat down where the twins told us to sit. I sit next to Mom and Mal who's family is on the other side of her.

"They grew up fast." Mama says.

"In a few years we'll be here for Oliver and Gracie."

"Ugh don't remind me. Makes me feel old." Mom says.

"Your not that old...I mean you and Mama still look like you did the day I met you." I say then Mom hugs me. "Do you and Mama have everything you need for the World Cup this summer?"

"Yes we do. We have hotels, flights, and a rental car all ready to go so we can watch Paris."

"Good...How do you think their chances are?"

"Pretty good. HAO has them ready to make a deep run."

"Do you think Paris will play?"

"She's started the last three games so it wouldn't surprise me if she starts the first game against Scotland."

I was going to say something, but the processional music started. The beginning of the ceremony was slow, but the name reading of graduates went very fast.

"Luna Christen Lloyd-Pugh" The announcer says into the mic causing all of us to cheer as Luna walks across the stage.

"Paris Carli Lloyd-Pugh." The announcer says into the mic causing all of us to cheer as Paris walks across the stage.

A couple minutes later the ceremony ended and all of the students tossed their caps in the air. The graduates then leave so all of the families do as well and meet outside.

"Oh my babies are graduated." Mal says and wipes away a tear then hugs our little girl.

"I'm so proud of you two." I say then hug my babies.

"Thanks Mommy." The twins say in unison.

"So Paris now that you're graduated, you ready for the World Cup?" Mom asks. 

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