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Sage's POV

"Come on girls. The car's here." I say while standing by the garage door of our A‌i‌r‌b‌n‌b.

The whole Lloyd-Pugh family is in LA for the Grammy's.

"COMING." The rest of my family yell.

A minute later my wife arrives at the door.

"Damn." I say when I see my wife wearing her maroon dress.

"What?" Mal says and looks at her dress.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thanks baby. You don't look half bad yourself." Mal says and kisses me.

"We're ready." The twins say in unison.

"Good." I say then Mal and I turn around. "Wow."

"What?" They ask.

"You girls look gorgeous." Mal says.

"Thanks." The twins say and kiss Mal and I's cheek.

The four of us walk out of the garage door and put the code in so the door shuts. We then walk to the car and get in and Mal and I look at each other and smile.

"Hey Paul." I say and look at our driver.

"Hey Sage...Hey Mal." Paul says.

"How are the kids?" Mal asks.

"A handful."

"Who's that?" I hear Luna whisper to Paris.

"No clue." Paris whispers back.

"Paul these are our daughter's Paris and Luna...girls this is Paul. Our usual driver when we come to the Grammy's." Mal says.

"Ah. It's nice to put faces to name." Paul says.

The girls nod then start playing with each other's fingers, which is a nervous tick they have when they're together.

"Girls it's okay to be nervous" I say. 

"W-what are we supposed to do?" Luna asks as we pull into the line of cars queuing for the red carpet.

"You girls just stick with Mama and I. There will be people there to direct us. All you need to do is pose when told to and smile and look past the camera...trust me it looks better when you do." I say.

"And if you get uncomfortable just tell Mommy or I." Mal says.

"We're here." Paul says.

"Thank you Paul." I say then get out of the car.

I help the rest of my family out the car and we begin the long walk into the theater.

"That's a lot of camera's." Paris says.

"It's okay baby. You have me, your Mama, and Luna here with you." I say.

Paris smiles at me then holds my hand as we walk down the red carpet.

Just like when I was younger, Paris can't do big crowds. When I found out I told her to hold my hand if she needed it and now whenever we are around big crowds together she will hold my hand. Weirdly, though, she never gets nervous when on the pitch.

The four of us stop at the first mark and stand there for pictures. The twins are in between Mal and I with Paris closest to me. We stand there smiling for a few seconds then move when we are told to. This cycle happens at least ten more time until we reach the entrance to the Staples Center.

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