07|K H A N Y I S W A

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khanyiswa groaned as she woke up and tried to stretch, only to realise that she had been trapped in a sandwich of pure muscles.

N'Jadaka had wrapped his tight hands around her waist, pulling her back towards him and nearly suffocating her.

She slapped his arm lightly, "N'Jadaka, you need to let go of me."

He didn't stir.

She wriggled in his grip, "N'Jadaka." She said weakly.

She continued to shift in his grip, "If you don't stop moving, I'll throw you out that window." He grumbled. His eyes remained closed as he said this but she could see the annoyance in his voice and facial expressions.

She sighed and gave up, he wasn't letting her go so she might as well enjoy his company.

She turned around to face him. She regarded him as fairly handsome, a man who knew how to pleasure a woman. But she hated his attitude; he lacked manners and simple decorum and that alone put her off him.

She blew on his eyelids to irritate him, at first he didn't move but then his eyelids began to flutter lightly and opened sharply. She only saw his eyes for a split second because she was pushed out of the bed, colliding with the floor.

She gasped as her body made contact with the floor, she looked up at N'Jadaka in amazement, surprised that he'd pushed her with so much force.

"You lucky as shit I didn't throw you out the window. That ass is too good to waste." He raised his head from the bed and rolled his eyes before going back to sleep.

He slept through the whole day. Being a dickhead was a full time job after all.

Khanyiswa began to pack her belongings, getting ready to go back to Wakanda when N'Jadaka shot up from the bed as if someone had hurt him.

"o que você tem?" "what's wrong with you?"

He gave Khanyiswa a sideways look, "You know I don't understand that shit sweetheart."

Khanyiswa walked over to touch his arm and he jerked it back.

She scoffed, "bayeka ukuba bengenangqondo." "stop being silly"

Again, he gave her a sideways look and began walking around the hotel room, looking in all the places big enough for a human to hide in.

N'Jadaka turned around multiple times before looking Khanyiswa straight in the eye. He opened his mouth to speak and shut it again.

He grabbed her hand and stashed her in the walk-in closet. He grabbed her waist and held it against his body.

"Stay here." He said gruffly.

Khanyiswa was confused, "Wait what? Why?"

"For your own safety." He said not looking at her as he selected a top to wear.

"For my own— I'm sorry, I'm a grown woman who also happens to be a Wakandan warrior, I can look after myself—"

He turned around looking irritated, "Listen loudmouth," he pushed her head back with the flat of his palm, "Just stay here, if nothing's up I'll come and get you. Be quiet, I know you like to talk. I'll be back babe."

He kissed her forehead and walked out, locking the door behind him.

Khanyiswa let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she looked at the closed door. She believed her relationship with N'Jadaka was strictly platonic. Just friends. With the occasional kiss. And the name calling. And the whole sleeping together thing. But then again, what friendship doesn't have that?

As she thought about it, it dawned on her and the revelation was revealed. She held her head in distress.

I am royally fucked. Was the first thing she thought.

Then it had occurred to her that N'Jadaka was nowhere to be heard rather than seen. It was almost like she spoke too soon when she heard grunts.

At first, she though N'Jadaka had locked her up in the closet so that he could fuck another one of his whores. Her stomach sank but she didn't put it past him. It was something he would do. But then she realised that both grunts were masculine and rather than them being sexual, they were aggressive.

Almost like they were fighting.

She mentally face-palmed herself. Of course! He had heard someone and had locked her up so she wouldn't get hurt.

At first she thought, that stupid imbecile, I can care for myself, then she thought, but isn't it sweet that he's trying to keep me safe.

She immediately regretted the latter thought, N'Jadaka never did anything for her, he just wanted to get out alive, if anything she was just in the way.

The grunts stopped abruptly and footsteps were made in the direction of the closet door. They were heavy and dragged causing Khanyiswa's breath to become laboured, when a hand began to unlock the door and new light flooded in when she became face to face with a scratched up N'Jadaka and a strange man tied up to a chair with a knife in his chest.

Her eyes widened at the sight and she looked back at N'Jadaka who displayed no emotion of his face.

He looked back at what he had done and looked back down at Khanyiswa before she slowly stepped out of the darkness and into the light, engulfing N'Jadaka in a hug.

"I thought I lost you, don't do that again."

I've been MIA since forever
I'm really sorry.
I'll be back dw xx


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