8. This is War

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     Michael clenched the bottle of Mountain Dew Red in his fist, glaring at Squip. He frowned, blue eyes narrowing as he focused on the dreaded liquid in his hands. Michael smirked, looking at Rich who nodded, determination written all over his face. 

Looking at Jeremy, expecting him to be grateful that Michael had come to the rescue, Michael smiled, ready to be greeted with thankfulness. But Jeremy only shook his head, wiping a hand down his face as he grabbed Squip's arm. "Michael. Rich. What is this?"

Rich stepped forward, "We're here to save you."

Squip raised his perfect eyebrows, putting an arm around Jeremy, smirking at Michael as he did so. Jeremy leaned into the touch, shaking his head at his former best friend, "I don't need saving. I can't believe you'd want to hurt Squippo."

Michael took a step back, as if slapped. "H-how? What can you possibly see in him?"

Jeremy frowned, squeezing the arm he was clutching. He looked up at Squip, the taller man meeting his eyes, gaze softening as he did so. Squip smiled genuinely at Jeremy, caressing his cheek, pressing their lips together briefly. Jeremy broke into a grin before steeling his expression and turning back to Michael.  "I, I," he paused, glancing back at Squip before saying, "Because I love him."

Michael's mouth fell open and he dropped the bottle of Mountain Dew Red. Rich's eyes bugged out as he watched Squip pull Jeremy closer to him, bending down to kiss him. 

How could Jeremy say that? How could he possibly love Squip?

Michael had thought Jeremy was brainwashed, but the look on his face as he kissed the bastard couldn't be faked. He truly cared for the creature that had tried to destroy his life. 


It couldn't be. 

Michael grabbed the red beverage and jumped Squip just as he pulled away from Jeremy's lips. "He's using you Jeremy!" Michael shouted, trying to pin the bigger man to the ground. 

Squip easily overpowered Michael, wrangling the bottle out of his hand and tossing it to the side. Growling, Squip pushed Micheal over, getting on top of him, holding the smaller man to the ground. "You," he said, forcing Michael's hands above his head, "need to back off. Or I," he reached for the bottle of Mountain Dew Red and unscrewed the lid with his free hand, "will end you."

Smirking, Squip turned the bottle up-side-down, watching the precious red liquid spill onto the carpet until there was none left. 

Releasing Michael, Squip stood, taking his place next to Jeremy and slamming their lips together. Jeremy closed his eyes, grabbing hold of Squip's arm and smiling into his mouth. Squip lifted his hand, displaying his middle finger at Michael. 

Rich helped Michael up, who wiped off his clothes before screaming at Squip, "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COME BACK LIKE SOME SORT OF PARASITE! YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD YOU ASSHOLE! STOP TAKING JEREMY AWAY FROM ME!"

This time it was Jeremy who spoke, pulling away from Squip he said, "He didn't take me away from you." he sighed, expression falling, "you did this to yourself. Now get out of my house."

Michael took several steps backwards, shaking his head slowly. "I, I..."

Rich placed a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, let's get out of here."

Still stammering, Michael followed Rich out the door, eyes beginning to water. As soon as they were out of sight, Jeremy collapsed against Squip, crying over the loss of his best friend. 

Athazagoraphobia (Squip x Jeremy)Where stories live. Discover now