10. Michael (and Rich) in the Corner

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Do you guys want smut?

Michael plopped down next to Rich, tossing his backpack next to him. He watched as Jeremy walked down the hall, Squip holding his hand as they talked with each other. Michael looked at Rich. "Come up with any ideas?"

Rich shrugged. 

Michael groaned, leaning his head against the wall, ignoring the pain that ran down his spine at the impact. "Wanna skip class, I need a blunt."

Rich nodded. 

They stood up at the same time, Rich looking up at him with a odd expression. Both started walking out the door, awkward silence falling between them. "Why so quiet? Normally no one can get you to shut up."

Rich just shrugged, keeping his mouth shut. 

Michael narrowed his eyes as they began walking around the school, heading to Michael's favorite place behind the school, a place he now named the Dank and Creepy Corner. Rich sat down next to him, gratefully taking the blunt Michael offered him. 

"Why aren't you talking?"

Rich bit his lip, placing the butt in his mouth and inhaling deeply. 

Michael reached into his backpack, pulling out a Lnd soda, 7up backwards, he pointed out. Rich nodded, wincing. Michael frowned. "Talk."

The shorter boy hung his head. "I don't want to."

Michael's eyes widened. His mouth fell open at the sound of Rich's voice.  "What the hell? Since when did you have a lisp?!"

Rich pulled his legs to his chest. "My Squip got rid of it, but now it's coming back."

Michael tried not to chuckle at the sound, taking a swig of his soda to stop his laughter. Rich glared at him, knowing he found it funny. "It's not funny!"

He put an arm around Rich, giggling. "It's cute."

Rich turned red, looking down. 

Michael grinned, "I thought you were the one who was always the flirt."

"Don't we have a certain evil supercomputer to defeat?"

"Yeah, but how are we going to get rid of the bitch?"

"I have a few ideas." Rich smirked, rubbing his hands together. "First things first, I need Mountain Dew Revolution."

That's when someone stepped into their vision.  


Jeremy grinned at Squip, swinging their hands together.  He smiled at the smaller boy, leading him to his class. "I'll see you at lunch, slugger."

Jeremy grinned, leaning his chin up to kiss him. Squip wrapped an arm around his small waist, marveling out how skinny the boy was. He had always been thin, rather lanky, but since the play he had gotten even smaller. 

He pulled back, pushing Jeremy towards the door, "Come on, sweetie, you gotta go."

"Don't want to," Jeremy said pressing his mouth to Squip's neck. 

"Hmm, getting frisky aren't you." Squip said as Jeremy opened his mouth, tongue hesitantly licking his grayish skin. 

Squip shoved him away, "Go."

Jeremy frowned, grumbling as he walked to the door, waving at Squip with a small grin. Squip smirked at him, watching him walk into the class room. He frowned, wondering where Michael was. 

Quantum Entanglement told him that he was with Rich. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, code and graphics forming together, to see Rich and Michael sitting next to each other behind the school. 

He grinned, walking confidently through the halls and out the front door. He sniffed the cold air, feeling refreshed as he set his arms akimbo, receiving another vision of the two.


Mountain Dew Revolution. 

Squip's eyes turned red at the thought of the drink, he growled low in his throat, walking quickly until he spotted Rich and Michael, arms around each other. 

Eyes still glowing with a reddish glow as he walked the corner. "I don't think you should be messing around with Mountain Dew Revolution, Rich, I'd hate to have to do something I'd regret to one of Jeremy's friends."

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