9. A Wonderful Invention

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Michael followed Rich out of Jeremy's house, utterly broken. The short boy tried to comfort him but it was no use, Michael wouldn't listen to his soft words of encouragement. There was no helping him. Michael clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth together. He would show Squip. He would make Jeremy understand. They would be best buddies again and then he could finally have that one day. That one good day.

After thousands of boring, run-of-the-mill normal days, he'd play a game with Jeremy and he'd be okay. They'd get stoned in his basement and they'd be great. He'd find the last can of Mountain Dew Red on Earth and shove it up Squip's ass. Rich patted his shoulder. "Want to come to my house, I know where my dad keeps his liquor."

The truth was Rich's father made no attempt to hide his alcohol, but Rich didn't bother to point that out. Michael sighed nodding. "We were best friends. He was my player two!"

Rich nodded, taking Michael's arm and guiding him towards his house. "Life isn't a two-player game, Michael."

Normally so humorous, Michael hadn't expected to see such a serious side of Rich. The tough guy's eyes were full of a dark emotion Michael couldn't name. Rich patted his back, leading him up his front steps and into his main living space.

Rich's house wasn't the nicest place Michael had ever been too. It wasn't anything fancy. Dents littered the walls, furniture held together by duct tape, cracks riddled the counters and floors. Rich didn't seem at all embarrassed though, waving an arm around with his usual bravado. "Welcome to me casa."

He jogged to a cabinet and pulled out two bottles of beer, "My dad should be passed out by now so if we bail in about five minutes he won't notice I took any."

Michael furrowed his brows at the statement, but quickly moved passed it, thoughts of Jeremy filling his head. Jeremy and his stupid nerdiness. He sighed, reluctantly following Rich out the front door and onto the porch. He sat down Indian style next to the other boy, taking a sip of the beverage. Michael wasn't particularly found of drinking, preferring weed or weird sodas, but he welcomed it now. The cool liquid ran down his throat, followed by a small tingling sensation. "What should I do about Squip and Jeremy?"

Rich thought for a moment. He broke into a grin, "Get him back. Make Jeremy think Squip did some terrible thing. He'll run to you, and boom! boyf riends is cannon!"

Michael blushed. "Okay. So how do you frame a super intelligent computer that can predict possible futures?"

The other shrugged, taking a swig of his beer. "I have no idea."


Jeremy grabbed Squip's blazer, pulling him close, sniffing. Squip pet his greasy brown waves, wondering how much gel the guy had used that morning. Squip triumphantly pushed Jeremy down onto the bed, slowly climbing on top of him. Jeremy reddened even more, something he'd thought the teen impossible of doing. His blush could already fry an egg. A small part of the computer wanted to test that theory, but the human side of him knew better.

The human side was hungry.

And Jeremy laying on his bed, eyes puffy and face red looked like a five course meal. He looked down at the boy, who stared up at him with a mix of terror and awe. He was still crying. Squip stood, pulling Jeremy up with him, titling his chin up with a finger. "Stop crying." he commanded.

Jeremy's eyes were still damp, but the steady waterfall cascading down his cheeks had stopped. They leaned toward each other at the same moment. His lips were wet and slimy against his own, perfect. He ran his long fingers through Jeremy's hair, humming against his mouth. Jeremy's foolish words kept returning to the forefront of his thoughts. I love him.

Could the boy actually believe that? Would he let Squip do whatever he wanted to him? He let his hand wonder to Jeremy's shoulders, pushing his cardigan off his arms, letting it fall to the floor as he continued to kiss him.

Jeremy sighed loudly against him, hands wrapping around his neck. His mouth opened slightly, Squip's tongue diving in, twirling around Jeremy's less experienced muscle. They pulled away briefly, Jeremy panting. Squip pressed his parted lips against the tall boy's neck, using his teeth carefully. Still, one small bite was all it took to have Jeremy gasp. The teenager's nails dug into his shoulder blades, the heat radiating off both of them making each desperately want more. Sweat formed on Jeremy's forehead.

Squip to incitative, dragging a single finger along Jeremy's chest, moving downward until it reached the hem of his striped shirt. He gripped it in a fist, about to jerk it off when Jeremy muttered "Stop."

Squip looked up, confused. He was just getting started. He was going to make Jeremy sit on his knees while he fucked his mouth. He was going to ravish every inch of him. That's what lovers did. And Jeremy loved him, he said so himself.

Jeremy pulled away, plopping down on his bed. "Can we just cuddle? I uh, I don't want to do anything more than that."

Nodding unhappily, he did as directed, crawling next to Jeremy as the slightly smaller man wrapped himself around him. Squip tossed a leg over the other's thin body, burying his face in his neck. After about five minutes, Squip realized what an amazing invention cuddling was. Better than anything he could have imagined. Warm but not hot like making out. Intimate but not sexual. He sighed happily, wanting to tell Jeremy what a wonderful invention cuddling was. How smart he had been to suggest it. He leaned upwards, looking at the boy's face. "Jeremy?"

The other didn't respond.

He had fallen asleep. 

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