Chapter 4

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This was it. If he didn't do it today then who knows what might happen to him. Ophiuchus stared at the newly formed bags under his eyes and scowled at the action he was about to perform. Releasing a breath from deep within himself Ophiuchus closed his eyes and recited the words as he studied them for the past two days. Slowly he felt heat filling his body starting from his feet, making it's way up. Once the sensation reached his head Ophiuchus held a hand out and shot a stream of fire at one of the shelves in the library.
He looked at his hand and scowled before laughing bitterly. "I hope you're proud father."

Leaving the library, Ophiuchus gathered the others in the house into the study to have an important meeting.

"I know that it's been two years since I've gathered you all here with a very small explanation as to why you're really here. Tonight the moon of this planet lines up with the two moons of our planet. Tonight we perform the ritual that I have been teaching you all." Ophiuchus glanced at all of the determined looks around the room and smiled inwardly.

"But we haven't been able to locate the twelfth sign. Won't the ritual fail?"

"That's not gonna be a problem this time. I have made preparations for this situation. I will be standing in as the twelfth. However this means that the other two Fire emblems will have to work a little harder than the others. If I'm correct we will find the twelfth sign on Astrogia. Now quickly while we still have daylight prepare the room."

Each person in the room busied themselves drawing magic circles and gathering the herbs needed for the spell they were casting tonight. If all goes well then they can leave the lives they had on this planet and have a better life where they really belonged.

As time moved by the preparations were almost complete. All that was needed was a drop of blood from one of the royal bloodlines. Ophiuchus cut his finger and dropped his blood onto the mixture sitting in the center of the twelve circles. As the blood seeped into the other items on the pile a white light enveloped the mixture and the twelve people in the room stood on their respective circles.

Fire Air Water Earth. When the elements combine and stars fill the sky then once again Astrogia shall rise. Lift the spell that blind my eyes and let the sun of my land again rise.

The mixture in the middle of the room burned brighter then shot into the sky taking the roof with it. Above the twelve the moon shone bright as the mixture moved toward it.

The people in the city took shelter as the ground shook and watched the bright light rising to the sky. Many screamed as wings, horns and fangs appeared on them. Those lucky enough to avoid the transformation watched in horror as loved ones became strange creatures and ran away in fright. The ground split in two and giants rose up to walk on the land again.

"Seems like the fool really did it. Blade bring the vessel and the mana collected! It's time to set things in motion."

"Yes sir."

Blade walked off to find Sagittarius and felt a familiar power coursing through his veins. He grunted as pain filled his head and his eyes changed. It felt as if his ears were moving from his spot and let out a small scream as his lower back split. After the agony was over he stared at his claws and felt the top of his head. Everything was where it should be.

"Hey brat!" Blade kicked the door open and found Sagittarius staring out the window at the moon. "Master needs you. Let's go."

"It's so pretty." Sagittarius reached a hand out trying to touch the moon until a hand roughly pulled her back into the room.

"Don't be stupid. You have something important to do so get to it." Blade left the girl in the room to find her way to the 'training' room while he went to get the magic artifact.

Sagittarius quickly drew a magic circle on the ground and took the artifact from Blade. She sat down in the middle of the circle and took a deep breath.

Awaken from slumber my king. The hour draws near and your people need you. I give you permission now to use me as a channel and rule your land. I invite you now Odion.

Sagittarius put on the armband and drank the water that was set before her. After swallowing the last drop she grabbed her throat and gasped for air. The more she gasped, the more it felt like air was leaving her lungs instead. As she reached out to Blade for help a dark light surrounded her and the mirror in the room broke. An ominous laughter filled the air as a black smoke filled the room.

Blade watched a little uneasy since he couldn't do anything. He wished he could make this easier on her but Odion would surely kill him if he got involved.

Sagittarius looked at Blade as a single tear fell down her cheek and the light faded from her eyes. As her eyes closed they reopened before she fell over completely.

"Master is that you?"

"Yes Blade it's me. I'm finally back. It's time to finish what I started long ago." Odion laughed as he tried out his new body.

As time eventually went on the giants and transformed people began to rise from the ground before shooting off like shooting stars. One by one people and giants left Earth until the earthquake settled down and half the population was left behind.

"Well done everyone. We're finally home in Astrogia. Isn't it beautiful." Ophiuchus looked out at the world he knew through his scattered memories.

Looking around things were different than expected. Each person that walked around wasn't fully human and the land was divided into five segments. From the five segments you could see all thirteen kingdoms awaiting their people.

The land was beautiful and the air was clean. Still though in the back of each sign's mind something felt wrong. Maybe it was new world jitters or maybe they sealed their own fates with the wrong side.

"Enjoy it boys and girls. It won't be long before my father rules it all again."

"Your father? You never told us your father was king of this world."

"I didn't have to. He likes to make his own introductions."

Before any other conversations could proceed Ophiuchus jumped out of the way and a sword was now standing where he once was. Looking around Ophiuchus couldn't find the culprit until a figure dressed in all black appeared in front of him.

"The second time won't miss." The figure pulled the sword from the ground and pointed it as Ophiuchus. "Your highness."

"So that's why I couldn't find the girl. I didn't know my father would be low enough to work with cats." Ophiuchus smirked as the figure glared at him.

"Now die." The figure closed his hand and a magic circle appeared under Ophiuchus.



Hi again. Double update. I love it. This is chapter 4 and the drama is just beginning. Can't wait to see what happens next. But as always vote and comment. I wanna hear your thoughts

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