Watch out

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"So you're saying when you were little you kicked your doctor in the nuts?" Henry folded over in laughter at my story. "Yes! Right when he was doing the knee thing! He popped my knee and my leg just hit the perfect spot!" His laughter died down as he looks at the clock suddenly becoming serious. "You should go. My dad will be home soon." I stand straightening out my clothes. "See you tomorrow Henry." He walks me to the door opening it for me. "Can't wait (Y/n)." He mumbles lightly as I pass him.

Getting into my car and going down the road with my music loud I don't even notice the boy riding his bike in front of me. My little Richie in the headlights of my car. My brakes seem to lose all function as my car picks up speed. "RICHIE!" I scream pressing the break as hard as I can, but nothing works.I try and steer the wheel the other direction, but it is glued to going straight. My car hits the small figure coming to a hult. I get out of my car, tears pouring from my eyes. "Richie! No, no, no. I'm so sorry Rich!" I scream kneeling down to him. I open my eyes and see the remains of...

A clown?

Did I hit a clown?

Bones start to crack and his bloated head twists around to meet my glazed eyes filled with fear. "Hey there (Y/n)! Oh don't worry! Pennywise is going to be just fine." The clown twists out from under my car with ease coming in front of my figure towering over me. Parts of his body completely flattened by my wheels. He brings his thumb into his mouth and blows. The flattened parts of his body puff up like he's a balloon. He leans down to me smiling. "Want a balloon (Y/n)?" The red balloon twirls around until it pops spraying my face with boiling red hot blood. I scream and rub my eyes as the demented creature laughs. "Better watch out Kido!"

I lean on the front of my car and wipe my eyes trying to get rid of the blood blinding my vision. The sound of screeching tires come near and the force of my own car rammed into my body flinging me forward and bringing my entire being into darkness. The only thing I hear is the laughter of Pennywise.

--1 Week Later--

I feel my lower back ache before I open my eyes. I peel open my eyes, rubbing them to attempt and lose the bury vision. I bring my hands away from my face to see them red. I sit up and see my surroundings. I'm in some old broke down house. I look out the dirty and half broken window to see the street of Derry. Nebolt.

"Oh shit." I mumble and make my way down to the first level quickly. Before I can leave I see missing pages just like the ones around the town, but these have the faces of my friends, my brother and his friends, even the Bowers gang. All except Henry. I walk through the house seeing every missing poster, until I come to an open empty room. Empty all except for 8 caskets.

The door slams shut behind me trapping me inside with the deceased. I bang and pull on the door but have no luck. Then a sinister laughter appears. The laughter of Pennywise. I slowly turn around and see the demonic clown along with Henry Bowers, all bloody.

The clown takes a step closer, and then another, and another until he just jumps at me holding me up by the back of my neck to face Henry.

He opens one of the caskets showing the young bodies of the losers, his friends, and even mine. "Kill them all. Kill them all. KILL THEM ALL!" The clown chants to Henry encouraging him. Henry takes out his switchblade and looks at it. Then he moves his eyes up to mine smirking. "ALL OF THEM!" Pennywise screams low as Henry sprints to me with his knife pointed towards me. As the blade is inches from penetrating the skin I wake.

I sit up sucking in a deep breath of air as if i haven't breathed in years. "(y/n)? Oh my fuck!" Richie runs out of the room returning with my parents and the doctor. "Ms. Tozier good to see you're awake." I look around frantically for the Clown, but only meet the eyes of my worried family. "What happened? What day is it?" My mother comes to sit beside me. "You were hit by a car (y/n)." "No! She was hit by her own car." Richie complains. "Ms. Tozier, you were in front of your car by 5 feet when you were found. You had blood covering your face, but no visible cuts where it could've came from. If you ask me you looked like that girl on prom night! What was her name? Carrie! Ah but anyway, you've been unconscious for about a week now."

"Do you remember anything? Why you were outside your car in the middle of the road?" my father asks from the other side of the bed. "No. I can't." But that's a lie. I remember everything.

As the situation calms down, and the doctors check me out, Richie sits next to me on the bed leaning his head on my shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay Sis." I smile at him. "Me too Rich." "Poor Bill." He mutters. "What happened to Bill?" Richie looks at me with sad eyes. "Gorgie died. He was playing in the rain and apparently he got sucked into the storm drain." A pit his my stomach as the memories of the little boy come to mind. "In the rain? What was he doing in the rain?" "Bill told us that he was racing his boat." my blood runs cold. "A boat?" I croak out as tears run from my eyes. Richie hugs me as he cries as well.


The first day back is weirder than I imagined. Girls hating me for the attention of boys asking if I was okay. Even more people asking me if I knew about Gorgie. I sit in class just staring at nohting for minuets at a time. Only my gazed cut short when Henry pokes my side. I turn to him with sharp eyes. "What?" I hiss at him. He scoffs changing his expression in seconds to a cold stare. "Fucking bitch." He mumbles and forgets I even exist.

In Mr. Capaldi's class I feel the eyes of everyone on me, but I don't see them. I just focus on my paper. Right until another one is tossed on top of mine. I examine the cheaply made flyer for a Halloween party. I look to see Carly with a smile. "Please?" I huff and shrug earning a happy squeal from her. 

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