Jack and Joints

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We ended up drawing straws and Eddie, Richie, Bill, and I enter the house. Dust and rotten wood filled the line sight of my eyes. "I would redecorate if I was It." "Shut up (Y/n)."

I lean my head into a room and see an old writers desk.  I wander over peeking at the letters on the page. 


I furrow my eyebrows and look through every page. Every one of them says mother, mom, mama. "What the fuck?" I see a picture of a newborn wrapped in pink. Rosa Lee Bowers was written under the photo. I turn to the next and it's a picture of a baby casket. The photo starts to grow hot and it soon turns to fire. 

I hear screaming on the other side of the closed door. "Richie! Bill! Are you there? Eddie!" I turn and see the flames growing and the picture growls as it grows and spills blood everywhere. "Oh fuck fuck fuck! Boys! Help!"

childish laughter emerges and when I turn my head I see a baby crawling calmly. "Oookay, this is weird." The child looks at me and slowly comes closer. "I'm not really a baby person. Don't. Ahh. Eww." I try and push the kid to the side with my leg but sharp teeth latch onto me and tear at my flesh. "Fuck!" I scream in pain as this creature eats away my body.

You never could save the kid

You never can take care of them

They will all die and it is your fault

They will die just like you let Gorgie die!

Pennywise's voice rings out degrading me and throwing me into tears. I lay blood flowing and crying out. "I'm sorry! BILL I'M SO SORRY!" I scream as a chunk of my flesh is ripped out. 

Bangs ring out on the closed door. "(y/n)!" 

"Richie help!" I scream tears flowing. "This isn't real! (Y/n) this isn't real at all!" I look down at the little wiggling pericyte. "Looks pretty fucking real!" 

You're not real.

You're not real.

You're not real!


The door opens and Richie falls into me holding me close. "F-Fuck, your leg," Bill says. I wipe my eyes more pissed than ever. "I'm okay. Let'a get this fucking clown." 

I hear a scream and register that Eddie isn't here. 

I run into the kitchen to see him laying there with Pennywise hovering over him about to bite. It turns to us in a frown. "This isn't real enough for you? I'm not real enough for you? IT WAS REAL ENOUGH FOR GORGIE!" It laughs and springs at us with sharp teeth. I take a knife from the ground and plunge it in the eye of the demon. He whales as if he's crying and slowly descends back down. 

The rest of the group looks at me and then Eddie going to help him. We can't explain anything but do we really want to? What can we kids do against a killing reality changing clown?




The whole group fights and every one of us split up our separate ways. I pack my bags and wait to calm myself outside for Belch to pull up. I light up a joint tapping my foot, my leg bandaged. "I have to tell him. it's only right... right? Boyfriends should know when there is an evil clown out for you." 

I wait an hour, then two, and by this time when I'm about to go inside a car pulls up and out walks Henry drunk and laughing with idiots. He turns to see me. "oh, shit. those eyes. now listen I know I was supposed to send Belch to bring you, but look! I brought you something." Henry reaches in his bag to pull out a bottle of Jack and a couple of rolled joints. 

I huff falling into him in a hug. "I love you." 

whoa. I look up at him surprised. "I-I didn't-" Henry shuts me off with his lips backing me up to the tree he always climbs to my room. "I know you do darling." 


Henry rolls his body against mine in a rush moaning as he holds me. "Fuck (y/n)." I moan in response running my nails down his back. 

Henry rolls off of me and pulls me close kissing me. "I love you too (Y/n)." 

"You're only saying that because my tits are out!" "I love those too, but shit, I do love you. More than anything." I smile but it fades. "what?"

"Henry I need to tell you something." He nods but I can tell he's holding back defensive screams. "the losers and I are fighting a killer clown who eats kids." Henry tilts his head sitting up and taking a swig of the alcohol. I do the same. 

His face switches emotions many times until he looks back at me. "Does this clown... stalk you and shit?" I nod recalling the memories of the time when I met Mike. "I've heard things... voices." "Like what Henry?" He looks at me with hidden fear. "I- it's bad baby. You don't need to hear it. You could get hurt." "Henry. This thing chewed at my fucking leg today." I unwrap the bandage and revile the bloody indentions of razors. 

Henry wraps his arms around my naked waist resting his head in the crook of my neck. "It tells me to kill you. it tells me to do horrible things to you (y/n)." Henry's voice cracks. "I'm losing my mind (y/n)." He whispers into my skin. I hold him close as he crumbles. "It's okay Henry. Nothing will happen. We're going to make it through it." 

He stares up at me and smiles. "You're going to make a beautiful wife." I look away brushing his comment away. "You're so drunk H." "Yeah so fucking what but I know my shit. You're fucking beautiful. You will make a gorgeous wife one day." "Who will be my husband? You?" I ask jokingly. Henry kisses my belly button trailing his way up. "If you're asking me to." I scoff laughing. "That's not my job!" "Fine. Marry me (Y/n)." I stare at him searching for any hint of sarcasm or fault, but nothing. 

"Are you serious?" Henry nods and kisses my nose. "Now I can't afford a ring yet, but I've got something. Stole it from my dad's room." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a silver chain with a small pendant shining in the dim light. "It belonged to someone special... my mom." Henry grabs my hand and clears his throat. "(Y/n) I'm not a speech guy, but I know I've never felt like this before. You put me in my place and don't care how I react. You put up with my bullshit. You've helped me in ways no one else has. I don't ever want to let you go. So, please... Marry me." I trail my eyes down to the chain smirking. "Well, what are you going to do? Just leave it swinging? Go on. Clip it around." Henry tackles me to the bed in laughter that I quickly quiet him for. 

We were just two kids in love with nowhere to go. We only needed each other in the messed up little town called Derry. 

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