The Date

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I felt my blood rush through my veins at the thought of my very own words. I stumbled as the ground began to shake beneath me and the world started to spin. "Go, Raggy!" I heard that gay little shit say. I saw a brown paw reach out of the van and push Shaggy out of the van. Shaggy fell to the floor before shooting a sharp glare at the..thing. Whatever the hell pushed Shaggy, that is. I sighed. I saw Shaggy stand up so fast, I swore he disappeared for a second. He quickly turned to me. I turned to him as our eyes locked. He was dressed so..perfect. He was very skinny, so his suit was loose upon him but you could tell he put in some effort. Shaggy was wearing a (insert color) suit that was accompanied by a rolex and Gucci shoes. He smiled to me, showing me his diamond grill. He looked me up and down, observing all of my features. "Beautiful." I heard him say under his breath. "Now, enough with all this silence. Dinner, shall we?"

I nodded and took his hand. His fingers were long, his skin cold to the touch. I wondered to myself how his hands remained so soft, and how calm he remained as he led me inside, opening my door. I felt a smack on my ass, my face turned red and I turned around quickly. When I turned around I was met with a large smirk placed upon Shaggy's face. I rubbed my ass softly. Ouch. Shaggy walked over to the waiter, he drug the waiter over to the side of the glossy white wall. Shaggy came back a few moments later and took me by the hand as the waiter led us to our table. The table was round, decorated with wrapped chocolate assortments. In the middle of the round table lied a vase that was filled with fresh roses. I couldn't help but to smile, it was amazing. Shaggy walked me to my seat and pulled it out for me, letting me sit down before pushing me close to the table. He sat across from me, looking slightly nervous.

"Are you nervous?" I asked. His dark eyes trailed off to the side, he shrugged. "It's okay, I am too." He reached his long, lanky arms out, his hands begging for mine to be locked within them. I felt my face get hot as I placed my hands into his. "(Y/n).." he began. I felt my heart melt as if it was pooling into his arms. I heard the song "I Need a Hero" from behind me. I turned around and noticed that Shrek 2 was playing on the large TV screen behind me. How odd. I turned back to Shaggy, our eyes locking once again.

The waiter came to our table and asked what we would like to drink. I ordered (insert drink) and Shaggy ordered a Monster. Why an energy drink? I thought for a moment before my face turned dark red. The waiter walked away, not turning back around to us. Soon after the waiter returned with our drinks. The waiter set them down on our table and walked away again before I could look at (Him/her). I saw the waiter mumble something to who I supposed was the manager. I saw the terror fill (his/her) eyes. I shook my head. "Hey, good?" Shaggy asked me in his surfer dude toned voice. I nodded "Yeah." I replied "I'm fine."

Another waiter returned to our table, this wasn't the same one as before. "What can I get y'all to eat!" (he/she) exclaimed. I stared down the menu. "I'll have the (insert order here), please" (He/she) smiled to me and nodded before turning (his/her) body towards Shaggy. "And for you, sir?" Shaggy didn't hesitate before requesting a well done steak with a side of well salted mashed potatoes" Shaggy also ordered the Mac and cheese, french fries, chicken fried steak, steak fingers, and turkey. The waiters head spun as (he/she) tried to keep up with the pace of the order.

I wanted to ask why he ordered so much, but I didn't bother asking at all. Shaggy grabbed my hands once more. "(Y/n).." Shaggy mumbled. "I love you, man!" he exclaimed loudly to me, tears swelling in his eyes. I knew that I loved him, too. "I love you too, Shaggy." I smiled. As soon as I said that the song that was playing from behind me grew louder. The ground started shaking..for real this time. I turned to the screen as people ran out of the door, shrieking in fear. I saw a glitching green image cover the entire tv before it exploded. I coughed as the smoke blurred my vision. Shaggy grabbed me, I heard the anger in his voice and in his movements. He waited until the smoke cleared, holding my face in his chest. He smelt like sandwiches. I heard a loud roar that came from the cloud of smoke. The roar was so loud and mighty that it cleared the smoke. And I was faced with him..Shrek.

The Power Between Us  (shaggy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now