Depression - 6

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December 18, 2013 @ 12:30 p.m.

I laid up in my bed since the day in the hospital. I haven't been feeling myself, I could feel myself slip back into depression. I actually have a problem with depression, it happens to me from time to time. I could be the happiest girl in the world but, then I could turn into the saddest girl in the world. When I was eleven I went to the doctors they diagnosed me with it, I was being seen from the age of nine. They didn't want to diagnose me with it because I was still a child but it got worst as I got older, my mother didn't want me taking medication for it. She said I should face the world how it is, the drugs only gonna make it worst and one day I end up not taking my prescription. I learned how to deal with it, I rarely get depressed but it happens time to time.

This time it got the best of me... my heart was broken, I couldn't control it. This week is the last week before out break for Christmas begin, I don't really care for going back. I'll just see everyone after New Years if I'm back to myself. I dyed my hair back brown, finally. But, I really been thinking about cutting it off. It grows back fast, if I wanted the bush back I could get it back.

I was deep in my thoughts, but I got knocked out of them when I heard someone knocking on the front door, I thought about not getting it but I thought otherwise. I got up out my bed and went to answer the door, "Who is it?" I yelled while running down the steps, "Zaire." I smiled and opened the door, I attacked my older sister with a hug. She laughed, "You miss me?" She asked, "Yes!! So much, I've been so lost without you Zai." I walked in, she walked in after me and I shut the door. "I hope my bedroom still available?" She had her arms crossed and turned around to look at me, "It should be, mines was still available when I came back home." I smiled and sat on the couch, she followed and took a seat as well. "And, where was you at missy?" She raised a eyebrow. I smirked and tilt my head, "I was staying with T. I just came back a few days ago." I can feel myself becoming sad all over again, I just couldn't let it happen. I haven't seen my sister in minute so I'm extremely happy right now, I can't let him be the reason why I'm upset. "Ooohhhh, mommy told me about that. How could I forget. She even told me about you driving my car, too." She smirked, "And, I heard you was in the hospital. why is that?" She crossed her legs and gave me intense look, I inhaled. "Me and T got into a fight, don't tell momma, he let me go but when he did he pushed me forward a little too hard. I tripped and fell back, that cause me to hit my head on the table." I shrugged my shoulders, I only had to do that so I wouldn't cry or anything. "That's why you left? I hope so." She said, I just nodded my head. Didn't feel like going down that road with the conversation. "Zai, I can tell you're tired. You came a long way, so I'm gonna let you go get comfortable while I go run to my school and get my work for over the break." I smiled and she smiled back, "Okay, I am tired. I'll see you later heifer." She said, we laughed at each other and went our separate ways.

20 minutes later... @ 1:20 p.m.

I didn't have nothing spectacular on, just some PINK sweats, UGGs, and my hair pulled into a ponytail. I looked in my rear view mirror and put some lipglass by MAC on my lips. After I did that, I grabbed my phone and got out of the car. I locked the doors and made my way into the school, before I went through them doors I exhaled.

I walked in and I walked towards the main office so I could get my work, I already called ahead of time so I can just come pick it up. Then, when I'm done grabbing it I can socialize with the gang. I heard Jacquees first week was this week, I wonder why he didn't visit me when I was at the hospital but I didn't give much thought about it. I went into the office and asked for it. After, I grabbed it I said thanks and left out. Class was out so I knew where I could find them. I walked to Sayah locker and seen them, "Hey everybody." I smiled, they all turned my way. Sayah ran up to me and hugged the damn soul out my body, "I miss you sooooo much!!" She pulled back from me, "Bitch, next time I call your ass you better answer!" She smiled, "I miss you too. But, you know I fell into depression over what happen with T." I gave her faint smile. We was so caught up in our conversation I forgot about the boys and I didn't even notice this girl that was standing there by the locker. I looked at her and looked back at Sayah, "What y'all tryna do? Replace me?" I laughed and Sayah smirked, "Girl shut up, no, that's Paris." Sayah said.

I been gone for a couple days... they get a replacement. Wait, I forgot, that's Paris. Hmp!

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