Replacement - 7

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"Right...." I said and just looked everyone, "Hey Paris, I'm Zoey." I said to her, "Hi.. you already know I'm Paris. I'm friends with Jacquees." She looked at him, I could tell by the way she looked at him that they had some type of dealings with each other. I shrugged it off, "Oh yeah, he's a good friend when you get lonely." I had my arms crossed and I smirked, "I'll see you boys later, I'm kidnapping Sayah from y'all." I smiled. I looked at Sayah and we walked off together, "Bitch, you're mean as fuck." Sayah said laughing.

I couldn't help but to feel replaced. I'm not saying I am but it just feel like it. She's the same complexion as me, same big bouncy bush as me, only thing that make us different is the curves that I have. You would think that we was related, I mean we don't look alike we just favor one another.

I was about to turn around to leave out the building when I seen Trina and Tasha, I groaned out loud. Sayah must've seen them bïtches as well because she was right by my side mumbling the word 'bitch'. "Awe, look at the poor baby. You out the hospital I see." Trina said, she smiled. "Bitch, I don't know why you think shit all sweet. I'm about to whoop your ass!" I said to her, before you know it a crowd circled around us, cameras recording ready to see a fight. "You're just mad that Tony picked a real winner, that's all." She said and I laughed, "Bïtch, GOODBYE! You was chasing after a nigga that I was with for YEAAARRSSS, how does that make you feel? If I was you I would feel li--" I stopped talking and punched her dead in her mouth. I kept hitting her in the face, she was hitting me back but she was getting no good hits. She hit me in my lip with one good hook, I had to give it to her that one was good.


I didn't see that coming, all I seen was Zoey hit Trina in the face. But, that wasn't the only fight going on Sayah was fighting Tasha. I didn't know that Sayah was a fighter either to be honest. She so sweet, she do have a ruthless mouth but other than that she never seem like the type to get in a physical altercation. Marquis ran over to get Sayah, as he pulled her off she kicked Tasha in the face one last time while Marquis was holding onto her. I was getting Zoey off of Trina, she was hurting her. It wasn't even Zoey no more, it was like someone else in her body. I finally got her off of Trina, I picked her up and took her to the girls bathroom. I sat her on the sink and I went to lock the door to the bathroom and went back to her. I stood in front of her, "You good?" I looked at her face, her lip was bleeding. "Yes, I'm fine. Can I leave out of here and go back home?" I could see her lip trembling, I could see her eyes getting watery. "Not yet, I want you to get yourself together before you go back out there." I said to her, she just nodded her head.

I grabbed her and hugged her, I placed my head between the crook of her neck. I pecked it a few times, "I got you always..." I said to her, she held on tighter and began crying. I had a flashback when we was eleven and it was when she got hurt and I blamed myself for her getting hurt. I made it up to her for several months and till this day I still have a soft spot for her after all this time.

Zoey wiped her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. Jacquees ran into the hospital room and went by her side, "Zoey." She didn't respond to him, "Zoey." He shook her arm a bit, she still didn't respond, "Zoey, please." She finally looked at him, "What happen? I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to leave you by yourself, I'm sorry." He put his head down and cried, "It's okay.. It's not your fault." Zoey said, Jacquees looked at her, "It is... I should've waited till you got out of practice like you asked. What happen?" Jacquees said, "They.... beat me up, they was about to rape me I know they was I could feel it but they didn't, they kept hitting me over and over and over. After they was done they-they um," She wiped her eyes and catches her breath so she could finish talking, "tossed me in a alley by some stores. What did I do to them? I-I didn't do nothing, I was ju-just minding my business walking home." She looked back at the ceiling, "I'm sorry Zoey, I should've stayed with you... this is my fault." Jacquees said.

Few weeks later...

Zoey ran around screaming and Jacquees ran behind her, "Zoey come here!!!" He laughed showing his braces, she looked back to see how close Jacquees was to her. Zoey finally stopped and looked at Jacquees who was walking towards her, "Finally, you stopped little girl." He picked her up, Zoey laughed. "Que be careful, my arm is still messed up and are we going to get Sayah?" Jacquees nodded his head, "My bad about that, we're about to go see if Sayah in the house and go get Marquis." Zoey nodded her head, "That's cool, but can you put me down I'm not a baby." He looked at her, "Yeah you not a baby but you my baby." He kissed her cheek, Zoey blushed.

Sayah opened her front door and smiled big to see Jacquees and Zoey, "FINALLY!" They laughed at her, "Wait a minute guys, let me tell my mother I'm going outside with y'all." Sayah ran upstairs and told her mother she was going outside. "Okay, I'm ready." They all left her house and walked down the next street to Marquis house. Jacquees knocked on the door, Marques older brother answered. "Wassup." Marcus, Marquis older brother said. "What up, Quis here?" Jacquees said, "Yeah he upstairs, I'll go get him. Wait right here." Before he left the door he spoke to Zoey and Sayah. "Oh shit, what's up uglies." They laughed, "Bye Marcus, go get your brother." Sayah and Zoey said in union, Marcus laughed at them and went to go get Marquis. After ten minutes, Marquis came downstairs. "Wassup homie." He dapped Jacquees up, then he looked at Zoey, "Hey girlfriend." He winked, she pushed him, "You're irritating." Marquis and Jacquees laughed, Marquis looked over to Sayah, "Hey ladybug." She gave him a warm smile, "Hey Quis." They finished walking towards Jacquees house.

They all walked in Jacquees room, Zoey and Sayah sat on his bed, Marquis sat on the floor, and Jacquees sat in his chair. "So what we about to do before we go back outside?" Sayah spoke up, "We can play spin the bottle." She smiled. Zoey looked her like she was crazy, "Um, I mean like we could or can't we just play truth or dare?" Marquis said. "Yes, that's a better choice." Zoey said. "No, because Zoey is gonna pick truth the whole game. Let's play, dare or double dare." Jacquees said. Sayah nodded, "Yup! Jacquees you're so smart. We're playing that guys. Who's first?" Sayah looked around the room. "I'll go first." Sayah said. "Okay, Jacquees dare or double dare?" Jacquees picked double dare, "I double dare you to smack Marquis with all your power." Sayah giggled at Marquis face.

After a hour of playing it was Sayah turn again, "Okay, before we stop playing I have to do this." She smiled, she turned to Zoey. "Zoey, dare or double dare." Zoey sighed, she was tired of playing this game. "I double dare..." Sayah look shock because Zoey being saying dare all night, she smirked. "I double dare you AND Jacquees to go in his closet for 5 minutes and kiss. Using tongue!" She laughed at Zoey facial expression, "No, I'm not doing it." She shook her head, "Well you know the consequences, everybody have to punch your arm five times each since you picked double dare." Zoey groaned and stood up, she grabbed Jacquees hand and led him into the closet. Zoey and Jacquees was standing in the closet for two minutes and didn't kiss. "I don't hear kissing Zoey, that's another two minutes you have to stay in there." Sayah laughed, Zoey rolled her eyes. Jacquees turned to Zoey, "Let's just get it over with, okay?" He gave her a reassuring smile, she nodded her head. Jacquees leaned towards Zoey and kissed her, they kissed for three minutes without pulling away. Then they pulled away, he just looked at her. Zoey cleared her throat, "Well.." Jacquees laughed and grab her hand, Zoey looked down at their hands. "Wha-" Jacquees cut her off, "Zoey, you wanna be my girl? We can still be best friends." Zoey looked up from they hands and smiled, "We're gonna be bestfriends forever. And, I'll be your girlfriend if you promise me one thing." She said, "What is it?" Jacquees said, "Promise you're not going to hurt me." She said and Jacquees nodded his head, "I got you always... I won't let anyone hurt you." He said.

I snapped back to reality after that flashback, "Jacquees, thank you for getting me off of her.... but, the bitch had it coming." Zoey said and we began laughing. "No problem gangsta." I smiled at her. She smiled back at me, "Thank you, now let me get down. I'm crying like a bitch." She smirked.

Don't matter what she goes through, she always jump back up and smile. She's a strong girl and that's what I know.

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