Old Flames - 9

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January 1, 2014 @ 4:50 a.m.

I looked in his eyes as I laid my hand on his face and caressed it, we sat there in silence just looking at one another. We just got done having sex and we was in his room, there was a lot that needed to be said but nothing was being said. I guess we was too deep in our own thoughts we couldn't say them out verbally to each other. I looked away from him and rubbed his chest, I just want to know why? And, how we get here? Everything was all good when we left the party. I didn't think we would end up in his bed naked, some may think I'm crazy but I don't think so anymore... Everyone is different.

Earlier that day....

New Years Eve;
December 31, 2013 @1:24p.m.

"So how it go?" Jacquees asked me, I looked at him as I took a sip of my juice. "It went fine. We're at a good place... Working on things." I gave a small fast smile, "That's good, I guess." Jacquees said, I watched him take another French-frie off his plate and eat it. I reached over the table and grabbed a frie, I stuffed it in my mouth and ate it. "Stop eating my food girl, you have a full plate right in front of you." He said to me, "I don't care. I'll share with you like you shared with me." I said and he laughed, "No, I don't want that nasty ass fattening ass burger. You got everything under the sun on the motherfucker." He said a piece of his own burger, "Says the man who copied my burger. OH OKAY!" I smirked and then laughed, "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever." He smiled.

My phone rang, I looked down to see who it was and it was Sayah, I hurried up and answered it, "Hey bookie, where you at?" I said into the phone, "With Marquis annoying ass, we're coming Denny's right now." She said, "Okay, me and Que already have our food though." I said, "Ya lil hungry asses could've waited." She said, I laughed. "Girl whatever, we'll see y'all when y'all finally arrive." I said, "Ard boo, see you in ten minutes." She said, we both hung the phone up.

As I was on the phone with Sayah, I kept noticing how he kept looking at me with this intense look written over his face. I slid my phone back and my pocket, "Why you keep looking at me like that?" I said to Jacquees, "I don't know, sorry for that I was thinking about something." He looked away and drunk some of his Pepsi. I rolled my eyes and mumbled 'whatever' under my breath. "What you want to do tonight?" Jacquees asked me, "I want to party and celebrate that my long lost bff is home." I said, "I think we could do that and talk to them fools about it when they get here." He said, "Don't call my girl a fool, Marquis is the only fool." I said laughing, "You can't come for my boy though. Not gon' happen shorty." He said, "Right, that nigga is a fool for l i f e." I said, we laughed.

@ 7:54 p.m.

"Ooooh, I just can't wait to shake my ass into the new year!!" Sayah said excited, "Girl yes!! Me either, you wanna kiss when the ball drop?" I said and wiggled my right eyebrow, "No, I'm kissing a dude. Whoever I kiss it might be able to bring me luck with a relationship through the year." Sayah said applying her makeup. "Right... I didn't want to kiss you anyway bitch." I said, we both laugh.

We was getting ready to go out for New Year's Eve, we wanted to bring the year in together. Me, Sayah, Marquis, and Jacquees. While we was getting ready the boys was in the livingroom smoking, we was at Jacquees house. When we all leave from the club we're coming back here for a sleepover. I know, I know, I know, we too old for that.

"What y'all heifers laughing about?" Marquis said, he came in and sat on the bed laying down. "How ugly your ass is." I said and applied my lipstick, "Ain't nothing about me ugly girlfriend." He said, I just rolled my eyes at his stupid ass. I just couldn't take Marquis serious, he childish man. I laughed to myself just thinking about all his stupid antics. "Ya still not ready?" Jacquees walked in and said, "No they not, they take forever man." Marquis said to Jacquees. "I wish ya get out and shut up!" Sayah yelled, "Whoa whoa whoa, chill ladybug." Marquis said with his hands up. "Well shut up because you're gonna make her mess up but I'm done." I said and puckered my lips in the mirror, I turned around and did a pose, "How I look?" I asked the boys, "You look good girlfriend." Marquis said and winked his eye, I shook my head laughing, "Yeah, you look good. Do a spin for me." Jacquees said, he twirled his finger in a circular motion. I spinner around for him and raised my eyebrow when I was done, "You look great boo." Sayah said walking over to me slapping me on my butt. "Thanks boo, you look beautiful as well." I said, "Yes, we need to take a selfie for the gram!!" Sayah said, she pulled her phone out and we both did the kissy face. "YAAA CUUUUTTTEEE!" Jacquees and Marquis said, me and Sayah burst out laughing. "Y'all irritating, lets go." I said.

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