Chapter 7

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Twinkle's Dairy

I never knew that I would confess my love to Kunj but he made me too helpless to resist anymore. Life was going very well. It seems like a dream, I was like in heaven. Loving Kunj was the best decision of my life. Sanchi was happier than us. I couldn't understand why she liked Kunj for me so much. She never behaved like this with anyone else. Her connection with Kunj was amazing that was not easy to understand. Within just few months Kunj has been become most important part of her life. In these days, once again Mom faced same health problem nd she was again hospitalized. Doctor did some checkups to know why it was happening with her again nd again. But report was normal. Then doctor said that it might be bcz of her being stressful every time. Nd I also couldn't deny this bcz he was right Mom always gets stressed even about small things. Sanchi used to make her busy with herself so that she can distract her mind nd stop her from being tensed for everything. But still life was going good with our little happy moments.

After some days Mom got to know about our love but later I find out that Kunj only told her about our feelings for each other, when I wasn't at home. First Mom also said same what I've been saying to him that is our family status nd all but Kunj convinced her nd Mom couldn't refuse him. She was fine with our relation. After Mom's approval for our relationship, Sanchi started to call him Jiju instead of bhaiya but only in our house nd not in front of others. That was weird as well as funny. I always wondered why she was so much desperate nd attached to him. Even I asked but her replies used to be weird like her. Though we always shared a strong bond but sometimes I used to feel like I was only one who share everything about me with her but she hardly did. I mean whatever she used to tell me about her feelings, problems, happiness or anything else, that never made any sense. Don't know what was cooking in her mind all the time. Kunj also felt this weirdness in her but we both ignored thinking that with time she'll become mature.

Well life was going good. Our cute moments were making a beautiful memory every day. I was happy with Kunj. All were happy. Once Kunj said he'll talk to his Dad about us nd our marriage but I stopped him. There was already so much distances between them nd I was scared what if he'll refuse to accept me for Kunj nd it may increase more distances between them which I never want. I asked him to first make his nd his dad's bond strong, make him feel trust on him then only talk about us. Nd only he can make it possible. Also I wasn't going to marry until Sanchi would complete her studies. Kunj didn't have any problem as long as I was with him even he was wishing his Mom's recovery so that she can also join our happy journey.

KUNJ's pov

Yeah, I didn't have problem with it bcz I was happy that she was mine now nd one day I'll make her legally mine forever. But I never knew our happiness wouldn't last for long time. I never knew that destiny was going to take worst turn of our life. I've never imagined that there will be a time when we'll face most difficult phase of life. Disappointment, pain, tears, cheating would replace the happiness, joys nd smiles when suddenly things started change in our life unexpectedly. I don't know what was the reason behind Twinkle's such behavior. She started avoiding me again. Her behavior with me has become wired. Being rude with me nd getting mad on me for no reason has become her daily routine. Some of her words, her actions were hurting me so much nd she never knew this or maybe she was aware. But still I ignored everything bcz I thought she might be upset bcz of her Mom's health, after some days everything will be fine like before. I never said anything to her. I was sad but never showed her, never wanted to increase her tensions. Nothing was like before now. I was living with the hope that one day things will be normal but my hope also ruined with our arguments.

It was Twinkle's birthday nd I was happy that on this special day I'll spend some quality moments with her. I've planned her birthday surprise just to make her feel special nd relieve her tension. I thought for one day at least but she'll give her time to me. But I never knew it was going to ruin everything. I was doing arrangements for her birthday surprise whole day nd while returning her home with her I drove the car to the place where I've arranged everything for her. I was excited to surprise her. When we reached, there was too dark nd as Twinkle entered there I lit the lights I've arranged. She'll be surprise, she'll be overjoyed, she'll give me a tight hug in happiness, this is what I'd thought, this is what I'd expected but I never knew nothing was going to happen like this. In fact her reaction made me surprised, her reply made me shocked.

Kaash Hum Mohabbat Se Anjan Hote!- TWINJ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें