Brusnop Creative writing

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Creative Essay – Brusnop

Ben and Danny are best friends who are in school Ben is 18 and Danny is 17. They are both secretly gay and are in love with one another but won’t admit it. Ben is scared to admit he’s gay in case he gets bullied for it, and Danny won’t admit it as he thinks Ben won’t love him back because he thinks he’s straight. But in reality Danny and Ben are both gay and are scared to admit it to each other. Will they ever confront each other and express their love?

It was a warm Friday afternoon in North Yorkshire and Ben was in the music room playing his guitar as it was last period and he had it off but he couldn’t go home as he had to get the bus with his best friend Danny. After he had practised a few songs the bell rang loudly throughout the school. He packed everything up and went outside into the warm sunshine to wait for Danny. ‘Hey Ben’ Danny yelled across the bus parking station. ‘Oh hey Danny’ Ben answered back. ‘So how was today?’ Danny asked as they got on to the double Decker school bus and went straight to the back. ‘It was alright apart from few kids making fun of me in math class, teacher didn’t even notice.’ Ben sighed ‘Ugh I can’t stand seeing you get bullied, who was it? I’ll go and beat them up for you teach them a lesson or two!’ Danny said getting angry ‘Look Danny its okay, don’t get yourself into more trouble, ‘cause if you did I’d feel responsible, okay?’ Ben told him. ‘Ugh fine Ben, but if I’m there next time you won’t be able to stop me’ he replied. They were nearly at their stop so they both stood up and went to the front to get off. As soon as the bus stopped they both got off ‘Bye Ben’ ‘Bye Danny see you tomorrow’ they both said smiling and walked their separate ways to their houses.

‘Hey mum’ Ben said as he walked through the door into the cool air conditioned house ‘Oh hello dear, how was school?’ his mum asked sweetly ‘Yeah it was okay’ Ben said hiding the fact he got bullied, he had never told his parents that he got bullied he just acted like everything was fine and he had friends but really he only had Danny. ‘Okay, dinner will be ready in an hour’ Ben’s mum said smiling and kissing him on the head. He said okay and went upstairs to his room and then lay on his big comfy bed. He started to think, think that maybe he should just come out and say he was gay as it would be impossible to be get bullied even more than he already was for dressing the way he did and listening to the music he did. He thought at the least he might be able to be loved and be happy in a relationship. So he decided he would tell his parents after dinner. ‘Ben! Dinners ready!’ his mum shouted up to him. So he got up and ran downstairs for dinner.

Danny got home and there was no one in and then he remembered his parents were away for the weekend at a wedding so he went up to his messy room and started thinking about how much he cared for Ben and how he hated seeing him upset and being picked on by the other kids. It angered him so much, he really did love him and wanted to confront him and maybe even be more than a best friend to him. He quickly remembered that Ben wasn’t gay so it would be stupid and he would probably see him differently if he admitted he was gay and was in love with Ben. So get got that idea out of his head. ‘Why can’t life be simple?’ Danny questioned to himself.

‘Thanks for dinner mum it was really good’ Ben told him mum as he helped clean up. His dad was sitting on the sofa watching TV. ‘Mum there something I want to tell you and dad can we all go sit in the front room?’ Ben asked his mum ‘Of course darling, what is it?’ She questioned while wiping her hands with a dish towel, then took a seat next to his dad. Ben sat on the other sofa and took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to finally come out. ‘Well, I’m errm gay’ ‘What?’ his dad asked slightly confused ‘I’m gay dad, I’m in love guys’ ‘you can’t be gay Ben you’ve never been in love with a guy’ his dad started to raise his voice in disbelief. ‘Ben you’re being stupid you’re just going through a phase’ his mum said softly not wanting to believe her son was gay. ‘Mum I am and dad I’m in love with Danny okay?’ His dad stood up and towered over Ben and shouted ‘No that’s not okay; no son of mine will be gay!’ he shouted ‘Well I am and you’re going to have to deal with it.’ He shouted back ‘Get out, I never want to see you again, you little faggot!’ his dad screamed at him. This made Ben upset, tears started rolling down his red cheeks, he was so hot a flustered. So he ran upstairs to pack a bag then leave he didn’t want to be in a house anyway not if he got abused for being who he was, so he texted Danny asking if he could come over for the night.

Danny felt his phone vibrate and smiled when he saw it was a text from Ben, and told him it would be fine as he was home alone and could do with some company. Danny was so pleased that Ben was going to be here spending the night with him, but soon remembered that he couldn’t do anything as Ben was straight Danny sighed at that thought. Ben texted back saying he would be over in 10 minutes, so Danny tided his room a bit to make it look better and so they could move in it. The door bell rang after 10 minutes. Danny rushed to the door and opened up to find a very upset Ben. ‘Ben? What’s wrong?’ Danny asked concerned letting him in. Ben started crying again as he was scared to tell Danny what had just happened. ‘Ben, please tell me I’m your best friend remember?’ Danny said again to an extremely upset Ben while sitting next to him on the sofa. Ben’s face was red and tear stained, ‘Danny..’ Ben started, sniffling ‘I don’t want to say this but I guess I’m going to have to tell you.’ He said again wiping his tears from his face. ‘I told my parents I was gay and they went mental and practically disowned me’ as soon as Danny heard that Ben was gay a little part inside of him was happy but he hated how his parents acted. ‘Oh Ben its okay’ Danny said throwing his arms around his small skinny little body. ‘They obviously can’t accept you so you’re better off not being there.’ ‘Yeah I guess’ Ben said with a little smile he hugged Danny back and put his head on Danny’s chest, Danny sat there with Ben in his arms stoking his long hair telling him that he would be okay. After a few minutes both boys realised what they were doing and pulled back. ‘Ben, I have something to tell you too.’ Danny started and took a big breath ‘I’m gay as well...’ he said with a sigh of relief that he told someone. Ben felt a weight lifted off his shoulders and his heart beat with excitement. They both stayed silent and then Ben leaned over to Danny opened his mouth and pressed his luscious lips against his best friend’s, it felt like it was in slow motion. Danny kissed back then Ben pulled away with the realisation of what he did ‘Sorry Danny’ Ben muttered. ‘It’s okay, I liked it’ Danny said smiling then while leaning forward reconnecting his soft lips with Bens. When Danny kissed Ben he could feel his spider bites on his own lips and he liked that feeling they both kissed in sync with each other. Ben’s hand snaked around Danny’s waist and squeezed him, then brought his body closer to his own. Danny liked how it was going further so slipped his hand round Ben’s neck and started to play with his long soft cameral brown hair. Ben found this arousing so he bit Danny’s bottom lip then ran his tongue along it, Danny opened up his mouth to moan and the granted access to his mouth. Ben smiled into the kiss before putting his tongue into Danny’s mouth, both men played with one another’s tongues. Danny’s fingers where now intertwined with Ben’s messy hair, he gently pulled at it which made Ben moan into his mouth. Ben had one of his hands in Danny’s hair but his was shorter so couldn’t do much with it as Danny could with Ben’s. His other hand was around his waist and up his back. Danny pulled back as he was out of breath and so was Ben. They both had their foreheads together and were cupping each other’s faces. Then an idea popped into Danny’s head and he slowly went down to Ben’s neck and kissed it softly which made Ben moan again. Danny then started biting it; Ben threw his head back in pleasure, and grabbed onto Danny’s shirt. Danny started to suck his neck; he loved how aroused Ben was. He ended up leaving Ben’s neck covered in love bites. Ben thought it was time to turn it around so he pecked Danny’s lips and kissed his jaw line all the way down to his neck. Then started biting it hard, and sucked it. This made Danny grab a handful of Ben’s fluffy hair and pull it harder. ‘Ben, I love you so much’ Danny said moaning out of pleasure, Ben was happy that he could please Danny so well. He also left bruises all over Danny’s neck ‘I love you too Danny’ he replied still out of breath. Ben lay in Danny’s arms and cuddled up next to him as they both caught their breath. Then Dannys asked ‘Wanna go upstairs baby?’ and winked ‘Of course I do’ Ben giggled and grabbed Danny’s hand and went with him up to his room.

This is for my English creative writing, I will write a follow up for you guys but for school I can't have them doing anything sexual :)

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