「13」Esmé Squalor

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To the person who requested, I hope this is what you meant and I hope you like it!<3

To the person who requested, I hope this is what you meant and I hope you like it!<3

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"Darling, justice is out."

"But the Baudelaires need our help. With Count Olaf out and-" Esmé cuts you off.

"What's so special about those orphans? All they have cause is trouble. They ruin everything and don't know what's in."

"Esmé, I'm just trying to help them."

Esmé rolls her eyes, "You give all your attention to them and also leave to help them."

"Are you jealous over the Baudelaires?" You ask.

Esmé's face turns a light red. She paused, "No. They-"

You cross your arms, "You so are!"

"I'm not!"

"Esmé. If you wanted us to hang out more, you could have asked."

She crosses her arms and looks away from you.

"You're acting like child."

You sigh and sit next to her on the bed. She glances towards you and then looks down at the floor.

You hug her side, "I'll hang out with you more, okay?"



A/n: I switched the P.O.V. to 2nd person to try something different. I hoped you enjoyed this imagine!
Have a great day/night/evening!💜

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