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For @cathasarrived
Thank you for requesting!

For @cathasarrivedThank you for requesting!Enjoy!💙

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You were running to your next class since the bell could ring at any moment. As you were running you bumped into Carmelita.

"Watch it, Cakesn– (Y/n)! How are you?" Carmelita smiled.

This has been happening to you for a while. Carmelita had been saying nice things to you ever since she saw you with the Baudelaires and the Quagmires.

"I'm good but I'm running late to class so I have to go." You responded.

"Oh. Well have a great day!"

You continued your way to class until the bell rang. You were late. You sighed and opened the classroom door.

"(Y/n)! You're late!" Mrs. Bass  announced to the whole class.

"I'm sorry." You apologized and went to sit next to Klaus and Isadora.

"No excuses! Now sit down. You won't have any silverware for lunch." Mrs. Bass continued as you rolled your eyes.

The day dragged on and it was time for lunch. You didn't care that you would have no silverware. You hated the food anyway.

You sat next to the Baudelaires and Quagmires when Carmelita came over to your table.

"What do you want?" Duncan asked.

"I'm here to say that Coach Genghis wants the Baudelaires and that (Y/n) has to stay here after lunch."

"For what reason?" Violet asked.

"Not my place to tell, Cakesniffers." Carmelita scoffed and walked away.

Lunch ended and the Quagmires walked the Baudelaires out, waving goodbye to you.

"Good luck." Isadora said.


The whole cafeteria became empty as you sat there waiting for something. You didn't even know what you were waiting for. The place was so quiet that you heard your stomach growl.

The bell rang and the door opened to reveal Carmelita.

"What's this?" You asked.

"I've heard that you haven't been eating the school's lunch." Carmelita looked down.

"Yeah because it's disgusting. Why do you care?"

"Because I haven't seen you eat at all. I wanted to show you something. Come with me." Carmelita waved.

You got up and followed her to the kitchens.

"Is this a good idea?" You asked.

"Yes!" Carmelita said and opened a cupboard to reveal a whole bunch of sweets.

"Oh my gosh. They were hiding these? For what?"

"Themselves. Now let's eat!" Carmelita smiled, bringing down sweets from the stuffed cupboard.

You sat opposite from Carmelita on the floor and started to eat sweets.

The rest of the day you spent talking and eating sweets from Carmelita. To your surprise, Carmelita had this whole other side to her that nobody really knew.

You gasped, "Wait. We literally just skipped the rest of our classes. We're going to be in so much trouble."

Carmelita smirked, "No, we won't."


"Because Vice Principal Nero loves me. He'll let me off and I'll just say that you were with me or whatever."

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course. We should do this again."

"Tomorrow?" You asked.

Carmelita laughed and nodded, "Tomorrow."

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