Chapter 7 - Training 101

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(The song above is a short one I made with a friend. I wrote the lyrics and my friend mixed it up^)

Just as we stepped foot on the accursed room, everyone let out expressions of amazement. Though to both Danny and me, this room reminded us of our younger days, when our powers were uncontrollable.

We both looked at each other grimly, trying not to bring it up for others to know. Even though it was the same room, somehow something was different this time around. The room is still as big as I had imagined in the past. Though I think the equipment seem to have multiplied.

Unlike me, Danny seemed like he wanted to know why Zeke chose this place. He started pacing around the room, touching everything nearby. Then he stopped on his tracks and lifted his head to look at Zeke. Much to our surprise, he grabbed the nearest smallest object he could find, which was a small brick, and threw it to Zeke's direction.

The brick hit the floor, about a few inches near Zeke's feet. It didn't hit him but it sure got his attention. Everyone was now watching their exchange.

"Of all places, why this one? You must be out of your fucking mind, Davis."

"Moore chose this place, not me. Look, all we need is a place where we can train, it doesn't matter what kind of room, okay?"

Though that didn't really convince Danny and this time, he lunged himself to Zeke, pushing both of them to the ground. He raised his clenches fist to form a momentum, then continuously punched Zeke while shouting incoherent curses. The rest of the people in the room grew uncomfortable and Gab tried to remove Danny from Zeke but his hold was strong. Not even Cassie nor April could separate them.

We're off to a bad start, honestly. I treaded towards them and jabbed Danny's side, his grasp on Zeke's shirt weakening. I used this to my advantage and pulled him away from Zeke, throwing him on the ground forcefully.

A large sound came from when he fell on his back on the cold hard floor. When he readied himself again, his face formed angry lines. With that, I decided to get in between them and exclaimed, "Don't do anything irrational, Daniel. If you punch Zeke one more time, I will pin you to the wall with daggers myself."

From anger, his expression morphed to despair, "You know what this room signifies to us, Katya. You can't let him do this to us!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, my stance growing firm, "Stop being stuck in the past, Dan. It's time to move on and accept things for how they are now. You're older now so become wiser. Don't let your childhood fear pull you down."

Behind me, Zeke managed to stand while his uniform contained his bloody mess. He put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry guys, but this is the deal I made with Moore. We're gonna have to put things past us." He continued to huff and breath strenuously, even with me helping him stand, he's still having a hard and painful time.

"I might be able to help him," Atohi voiced out, pointing to Zeke. Both Zeke and I nodded, even though I knew nothing of what he could do.

On the other side of the room, both Cassie and Gab were calming Danny. Having Cassie by his side, seemed to help him, much to my dismay.

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