Chapter 3: Until Then

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{Art: Crimson-chains}

After finishing his call, he walked back out to Yuuri.
Victor seemed angry, he  unlocked the car.
"We have to go. Something came up."
He seemed strict all the sudden, he got into the car and started it.

Yuuri looked at Victor and gave a small frown as he opened the door and looked at Viktor.
"I seriously don't mind walking home if you're in a hurry Viktor. You seem to be in a rush and I wouldn't want to make you even more late then you'd already be."
Yuuri murmured as he looked at Victor. In all honesty that was part of the reason but the other part was he was scared of Victor. The alpha scared him a bit and he'd been with enough alpha's to know what they'd do if they were angry.

Victors expression then softened.
"No please- it's okay Yuuri. Driving you home is no hassle. I didn't mean to snap at you- it was wrong of me. I'm so sorry..."
Victor said softly and almost sadly.
"Please, let me drive you home..."

Yuuri nodded as he sat inside of the car and strapped himself in before closing the door and adjusting himself. He turned to Victor and gently placed a hand on his shoulder "It's okay if you don't want to tell me I respect that I just hope your situation improves for your own good. If that makes sense."
Yuuri pulled his hand away and set his hands in his lap looking down.
"You're very kind Victor, it sucks to see you like this."

Victor watched the road and then sighed.
"Someone at work did something very wrong. He got some of my workers hurt. In return I'm going to have to do something about it... I don't know what. But it isn't going to be pretty."
He then sighed.
"It feels good to let that out actually... if that makes any sense..."

"You're being very vague about the situation but it does make sense. I hope you'll be able to help out your co-workers. I can't imagine how much stress you're going through. All I have to worry about is if my paycheck will come in."
Yuuri sighed as he looked out of the window before fiddling with his hands and crossing one leg over one another.

Victor paused.
"Uhh... Yuuri... where do you live?"
He asked realizing he has no idea where he's going , he then chuckled
"I'm such a fool. I don't even know if I'm going to right way!~"
He smiled at Yuuri.

"You're going the right way Victor. It's just another block down and then to the right. I live near the collage if that helps."
Yuuri asked as he looked at Victor and smiled as he looked out the window and crossed one leg over another.
"Okay turn right here."
Yuuri told as he turned back to the alpha.

Victor turned and then drove down his street.
He had calmed down and then slowly took a deep breath .
"I had a lot of fun today. And I can't wait for our dinner date tomorrow- that is if you still want to?..."  
He asked and smiled at Yuuri.

"Yea. I would."
Yuuri smiled as he leaned forward and gently kissed Victor's cheek before slipping his number into his pocket.
"Thanks for driving me home."
Yuuri has a wide blush across his cheeks as he got out of the car and started walking towards his apartment his heart racing faster than before. He practically sprinted into his apartment embarrassed of himself.

Victor gently touched his cheek and jolted.
He blushed and smiled to himself as he drove off and to his building.
He walked in and past Chris.
"Where's this traitor..."
He was royally pissed as he followed Chris into their form of an interrogation room.

Chris followed closely as he looked at Victor and unlocked the interrogation room before heading inside after Victor. He locked it again so no one would leave and stood back behind Victor.
"He's the one whose been sending files to J.J and his gang. Otabek and Yuri caught him while he was doing it and they brought him here. He won't talk."

Victor growled and looked at Chris.
"I was told a few people got hurt... are they alright...?"
He almost whispered so the traitor didn't hear him.
He glared at the traitor with a Fiery gaze.
The traitor, also known as David (some random dude) didn't look at them.

"He tried fighting back against Yuri and Otabek as well as a couple of other guards." Chris mumbled
"Yuri has a black eye, Otabek has a gash on his arm from the knife we took away from him, and one of the guards had a minor concussion from getting his head slammed to the floor."
Chris explained.

Victor growled and didn't hesitate
"J.J thinks I'm kind. I'm not going to go easy on traitors that hurt my men. If he has nothing to say then he's useless..."
Victor walked over to the man.
"Are you going to talk?..."
David stayed silent
With that Victor growled.
"Very well."
He went into his jacket and took out his gun, then plainly shot him in the head.


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