[E] Chapter 28: Rut {MOSTLY SMUTT}

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A tray with pancakes on it was sitting on the bedside table.
From the bathroom was Victor, he was letting off an odd scent as he checked every pill bottle.
The door was open so yuuri could see something was going on

Yuuri smiled at the stack of pancakes and sat up starting to eat some of them. He got through half before he looked through the bathroom and gently stood up walking over. He knocked on the door and peeked inside "Viktor is everything okay?" Yuuri asked as he gently held onto the doorframe

The scent rushed yuuris senses
Victor panted heavily as he leaned on the sink
He tensed up when yuuri walked in and moved away
"Yuuri- go back in the other room- I-I can't be around you right now-"
He smelled almost sweet mixed with a hot neediness
Victor was in a rut

Yuuri's eyes widened as he looked at Viktor. He stepped back heading to the bed before turning around and wrapping his arms around Viktor "I've told you a million times that you won't hurt the baby, please Viktor I know you need me. You helped me through my heat I want to help you through you're rut!" Yuuri exclaimed as he held onto Viktor.

Victor tensed up and panted heavily
"Yuuri- no. I-I-I- can't risk hurting you- "
He looked down at the omega.
"I can't control myself when I'm in my rut- I'll hurt you-"
He buried his head into yuuris neck

"You'll hurt yourself more if you continue to hold it in like that. Viktor You think you know these things but you don't. I know my own body and I know yours too. I know you won't hurt me because of this. Please let me help."

Victor looked up at yuuri and then away
He slowly pushed yuuri into the bedroom and pushed him into the bed
Victor got between yuuris legs and panted hotly
"I-I won't be able to stop-"
He croaked out and gripped yuuris legs

"I know. But I don't care. Please Viktor." Yuuri looked up at Viktor a small hint of fear in his eyes before he closed them. He opened them now with determination and spread his legs for his alpha letting out a sickly scent. "I want you to have me, Viktor Nikiforov~"

Victor's whole body burned up as he practically ripped yuuris clothes off.
His eyes full of lust.
Victor looked at him and then flipped yuuri onto his stomach.
"Much better~"
He purred into yuuris ear and gripped his hips roughly.

Yuuri felt exposed as he looked back at Viktor with a small moan. "I love you." Yuuri cried as he gave a small smile. He turned back to the bed and bit at the bedsheets ready to take on whatever Viktor would give to him.

Victor paused and then stripped as well.
He then slowly began to prep yuuri. Sliding his fingers in, though they were very impatient

Yuuri cried out in pleasure and bit his lip before panting a bit. It had been a while since he had sex so he was a bit excited about the whole ordeal.

Victor kissed Yuuris lower back and worked yuuri till he was ready.
"Just breath-"

Yuuri nodded as he looked back at Viktor "Please Vitya just put it in." Yuuri purred as he gripped the sheets.

Victor's senses jolted as he slammed into yuuri.
Pushing him deep into the bed.
Victor groaned happily

Yuuri gripped the sheets in slight pain though more in pleasure. He panted softly as he kept his head down adjusting to Viktor's size.

Victor panted roughly and leaned down
Kissing yuuris back gently.
All of Victor's instincts were calling him to mark his omega.
Victor placed his hand over the nape of Yuuris neck, making sure he wouldn't make any mistakes.

Yuuri could feel how eager Viktor wanted to mark him and honestly felt bad. He knew Viktor was trying so hard and Yuuri knew he was being a bit difficult with the way he was denying Viktor. Yuuri kept his head down bitting his lip as he felt Viktor's hand on his neck panting softly.

Yuuri looked up at Viktor with a small smile and placed his head back down as he listened to Viktor "You can move you know." Yuuri murmured as he gripped his sheets and turned his head to the side.

Victor purred and made deep rough thrusts
He panted hotly into yuuris ear
"Ngh- your so good yuuri- I love you- so much!"

Yuuri moaned in pleasure gripping the sheets tighter and even curling his toes. He could feel immense amount of pleasure and panted softly as he bit his lip.

Victor thrusted into yuuri deep and rough.
He couldn't control himself and he was living every second of it.
He lifted yuuri up and bit into yuuris shoulder
A temporary marking area, not a permanent one.
Victor was still in control, some what.

Yuuri cried aloud as he felt Viktor moving inside of him. He groaned and gripped the sheets before looking back at his fiancé "Viktor you're so rough~" Yuuri purred as he tried to look at the mark his lover gave him.

Victor licked his lips and then licked the mark.
He panted roughly as he pressed against him.
Victor groaned deeply as he slowly filled yuuri up.

Yuuri moaned at the sensation and looked back at Viktor feeling warmth. He purred slightly as he laid on his back and looked at his lover with a wide smile.

Victor looked down at yuuri with list filled eyes
He swallowed hard and panted
"yuuri- please..."
he mumbled out and kissed yuuris neck

Yuuri looked at Viktor as his lip quivered. He wrapped his arms around Viktor's neck and his legs around his waist as tears went down his cheek "Just mark me. You're going to do it eventually." Yuuri wiped his eyes not from pain rather from seeing his lover wanting something so badly he had to wait for

Victor's eyes changed normal and he jolted, snapping out of his rut.
He pulled away
"Yuuri-! Why are you crying- are you hurt?! What's wrong-"
Victor was scared as he cupped yuuris face, searching for answers.

"It's nothing I'm sorry. I'm not hurt I swear. I feel like I've been really selfish holding onto a stupid tradition and having you suffer for it." Yuuri explained as he turned his face away from Viktor embarrassed.

Victor sighed in relief
"Ah... that's it, I thought I hurt you. Don't scare me like that.."
Victor then gently laid yuuri down
"Well... I guess that worked because I think you just shocked me out of my rut-"
He chuckled softly

Yuuri wiped his eyes sniffling a bit before rubbing his stomach. "Of course not. You could never hurt me." Yuuri gently grabbed a nightgown and placed it over himself before laying back down. "I didn't think something like that would shock you out of a rut."

Victor watched Yuuri.
"You were crying... Of course it snapped me out of it."
He laid down beside him and laid his head on Yuuris chest.
Victor took shallow breaths

"Are you okay? You seem to be breathing a bit irregularly." Yuuri gently sat on his knees adjusting his gown a bit as he looked at Viktor concerned.

Victor whined
"Lay back down... I was comfortable..."
he looked up at yuuri and pouted

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Yuuri laid back beside Viktor and held his hand before looking at his ring smiling a bit "I can't believe we are getting married."

Victor hummed gently
"Yuuri Nikiforov has a nice ring to it doesn't it?~"
He purred softly and he listened to yuuri talk.

Yuuri smiled softly
"Yeah... yeha it does..."
he slowly fell asleep while playing with Victor's hair.

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