Chapter 17: Hold me tight

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Yuuri was a bit shocked at the sudden movement though smiled and curled into Victor's arms humming a bit as they left.
"Thank you Victor."
Yuuri murmured

Victor placed him in the car and buckled him up
He then drove to Yuuris house

Yuuri smiled as he slowly opened his eyes seeing Victor. He smiled a bit before gently holding his hand.
"I love you."
Yuuri cheered happily

Victor smiled as well, through he didn't look great. He looked exhausted.
"I love you too"

Yuuri looked at Victor and gently laid his head on his shoulder.
"Victor, is there something bothering you?"
Yuuri asked kissing his shoulder.

Victor parked
"I just had a long day... Come on.."
He got out and then opened his door before picking him up

Yuuri looked at Victor and looked back down feeling a bit bad.
"I'm sorry I didn't think Phichit would call you."
Yuuri apologized as he kept his gaze down

Victor smiled
"It's fine yuuri. I needed to return your key anyway~"
He unlocked his door and walked inside.
"Here we go..."
Victor carried him to his bedroom and helped Yuuri out of his shoes and jacket before covering him up

Yuuri gently grabbed Victor's arm and sat up a bit.
"Come here."
Yuuri pulled Victor closer to himself and gently cupped his cheek pulling him into a deep kiss. He pulled Victor onto the bed and straddled his waist as he continued to kiss him. When he pulled away he smiled and kissed his chest.
"Thank you. Seriously."
Yuuri slowly slid off the bed and to his knees
"Please let me at least do this for you."

Victor was surprised as he was almost tossed around
He then blushed
"Ah- Yuuri- w-where did this come from-"
He tensed up, watching him

"I feel bad. You do these amazing acts for me and all I can ever do is say thank you. I feel like I'm always taking advantage of you and it's not fair to you."
Yuuri held onto Victors thigh.

Victor pulled him up
"Yuuri it's fine... I don't mind it really. You just bring with me is all I need.."
He kissed him softly

Yuuri sat in Victor's lap wrapping his arms around his neck before pulling away and resting his head in his neck.
"I'm sorry. I always feel as if I'm messing everything up."
Yuuri mumbled closing his eyes.

Victor rubbed his back
"It's okay Yuuri. I'm here, and I don't think your messing anything
up. Remember what you told me?
If I didn't like you I wouldn't be here with you now..."
He kissed his cheek

Yuuri smiled and looked back at Victor before kissing his lips. He sighed happily before getting off of Victor's lap and sitting on his side of the bed.
"Are you going to stay or do you have to leave?"
Yuuri asked curiously.

Victor thought
"Do you want me to stay again? "
He asked and turned to him

"Yes. But only if you can. I wouldn't want to keep you another night and then you have to do something in the morning."
Yuuri laid down and waiting for him.

"I think I'm alright... a few things are happening at work that I really don't want to deal with..."
He sighed and laid down

Yuuri laid on Victor's chest kissing his lips.
"You wanna talk about it?"
Yuuri asked as he gently started to massage Victor's chest.

"One of my emplo- friends... started their preheat..."
Victor sighed and laid with him

Yuuri asked as he looked at Victor with slightly widened eyes.
"How old were they?"

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