Chapter 12: Yurio and his words of wisdom

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He went to work and instantly went to the shooting range they set up to teach newbies
He shot every single one in the head angrily

Yurio watched how Victor shot and raised an eyebrow as he kicked his back to get his attention
"Did that coffee guy break up with you or something?"

Victor reloaded
"No he didn't. The date went fine but some nonmafia gang fucked it up at the end"
He shot again
"I'm just practicing so I can kill them. Not only did they threaten me and yuuri but they were hurting other customers in my territory. I don't take that lightly"

"Got it."
Yurio looked at Victor and sat on the counter.
"So you never talk about him other than the fact that he works at the coffee shop. Does he do anything else? Is he older or younger than you? Omega or beta?"
Yurio asked before laughing.
"Also why do you have to practice killing people when you kill on a daily basis?"

Victor paused
"He's more than a coffee boy, He's a cop. And he's an omega. And third because I'm posed and need to vent my anger."
He shot them again

"You're dating a cop?! Victor what the hell?"
Yurio asked as he looked at Victor
"Do you know what could happen if he ever found out who you really are?"
Yurio asked as he looked at Victor and glared a bit.
"You're just thinking for yourself you know that right?"

Victor paused
"I know.... trust me. But he is understanding... I think of telling him later on our relationship."
Victor walked over and tossed him the gun
"Come on show me what you can do..."

"If you tell him and he ends up reporting you, I am not going to stand around and wait to get arrested."
Yurio grabbed the gun and shot both shoulders and kneecaps before pointing to the head and looking at Victor.
"You better tell everyone else to because if not."
The gun went off and shot dead in the forehead.
"You're going to die."

Victor sighed
"Yeah yeah I know. But he's different. I know he won't turn me in. I just need to show him..."
he looked at the bullet hole in the shooting dummies head

Yurio looked at Victor and raised an eyebrow.
"You are going to be the fall of this whole mafia. You literally sound like something out of a movie and sooner or later when he finds out who you are and what you've done you'll wish you pulled the trigger yourself."
Yurio explained.

Victor looked away
"I know what I have to do if he doesn't except me...."
he stated and looked down.
"It's him... or me..."

Yurio sighed as he looked at Victor before looking at Victor.
"I know you'll do what's right."
Yurio rubbed his back before sitting back on a table.

Victor nodded and got his suit on
"Want to come with? I'm going to make those bastards pay"

"Sure. Got nothing better to do anyways so might as well."
Yurio shrugged as he got off of the table and played with a switchblade he stole.

Victor walked out with Yuri to the car and drove to where the men were
He had warned them to run or he'd kill them

Yurio looked around before looking at Victor
"How do you know where the facility is?"
Yurio asked as he placed a hand on his hip.

"I have my sources~"
He walked in and readied his gun

Yurio kept his knife next to him and grabbed his gun before twirling it and looking around.
"They don't seem to be here.

Victor chuckled
"Good they took my advice."
He checked the place

Yurio looked around and placed crossed his arms.
"Aww no fun."
Yurio sighed as he looked back at Victor
"So are you and that coffee boy a serious thing?"

"Yes- well I think so... he seemed broken up about today..."
he sighed
"I think I'm going to talk to him tomorrow..."

"About what? I thought you said he and you had a good time."
Yurio asked before coughing a bit and scratching his arm.

"Yes but then the idiots attacked us and after he was acting weird..."
Victor walked with him

"Weird how?"
Yurio asked curiously. He smiled as he started to spun the knife in the air and caught it.

"Like he... I don't know... his attitude and body language changed..."
Victor sighed and walked back to the car

"Changed how Victor? Like was he sad, mad, head over heals?"
Yurio asked getting into the car not caring to strap himself in

"I think he was sad? But mad at himself..."
Victor sighed and got in
"Buckle up."

"Why? It's so much work. If I die I die."
Yurio mumbled looking at his phone.
"I don't know why he'd be sad.

Victor stopped the conversation there then dropped Yurio off. He headed home
That's when he saw Yuuris phone on the bed he picked it up and then got dressed into some common clothes .

He drove to Yuuris and knocked on his door
Knock knock

(This chapters a bit short sorry)

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