Chapter 5: Lovers or Enemys?

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{Art: Crimson-chains}

Yuuri had almost forgotten about the date. He had ignored his past alarms and decided to take a short nap. When he woke up to his alarm he groaned as he looked seeing he had five minutes to get to the restaurant.
Yuuri got up scrambling to his closet and putting on some jeans and a nice dress shirt before going to get his boots on. He grabbed his necessities before running to the elevator and seeing it was out of order.
"You've got to be kidding me"
Yuuri ran down as fast as he could almost tripping, no scratch that, tripping down the last few steps before rubbing his head and looking at his phone starting to text Victor frantically.
Yuuri: I'm do sorry! I obwr slept snd I am just leabimg now. I'll ve there soob!
Yuuri texted knowing he had a lot of grammar errors.
"Fuck me man."
Yuuri groaned as he continued running knowing he'd look like a mess.

Suddenly Yuuri ran right into someone,
It was Victor?
He was standing there in a lovely suit. He looked at Yuuri then gave him a loving smile.
"There you are. I thought I'd pick you up for our date."
Victor then looked him over
"Are you Alright Yuuri?"
He asked kinda worried at Yuuris messy state.

"You should've told me that before I rushed."
Yuuri looked at himself in a window and groaned as he fixed the buttons on his dress shirt and fixed his appearance. He smiled when he looked relatively decent and looked over at Victor before walking towards him. "You would not believe everything I had to do so I could come here. I overslept on a nap and I wasn't able to do everything I wanted."
Yuuri sighed as he stuffed his hands in his pocket.
"You look amazing though."

"Thank you Yuuri... and you look wonderful as well~"
Victor chuckled then walked closer and smirked, holding out his arm for Yuuri to take
"Shall we?~"
He purred happily

Yuuri smiled and wrapped both of his arms around Victor's nuzzling closely to him. He closed his eyes for a moment and smiled feeling safer in the alpha's arms.
"We shall."
Yuuri cheered as he looked at Victor with a gleeful gaze.

Victor chuckled and then kissed his forehead.
He then took his hand and walked out with him.
After driving to the restaurant he sat at the table with Yuuri.
"This place has all kinds of good food. I'm thinking I'll go for my regular. It's a lovely meal~"
Victor pointed to it on the menu and told him a bit about it
He then stopped and rested his hand on Yuuris.
"You know I've been thinking about it... when are we going to make this official?"

Yuuri asked blushing a bit as he looked at Victor though smiled.
"Victor I'd love that."
Yuuri smiled widely as he held one of Victor's hands.
"But I don't know if I'd ever have time. Between the coffee shop and being an officer, I don't think we'd be able to go out on dates as much as you'd want to."
Yuuri smiled a bit lower though looked up at Victor.
"Unless you're okay with that."
Yuuri suggested as he looked at Victor.

"A police officer. It seemed easy enough to be one so I applied and I was able to get in." Yuuri smiled as he looked at Victor and pushed some of his hair behind his ear.
"I work with some of my best friends too."
Yuuri cheered happily as he looked at Victor.

Victors heart almost stopped at this statement, he couldn't believe his ears. His Yuuri, was a cop.
"Your a Police Officer... Why am I just hearing this now?-"
He raised his voice a bit, and he knew he sounded mad.
He quickly corrected himself.
"I'm sorry I'm just shocked... I'm not mad... I just wish I knew about this earlier... "
Victor looked down, he was worried.

"I didn't think it was a big deal Victor. Are you one of those people who don't think omegas can't handle being a police officer? Because I am more than capable and stronger then most of my team."
Yuuri could get himself being defensive and sighed as he turned away
"I don't need you too telling me I can't do something like this. I'm already a mockery to the academy."
Yuuri mumbled

Victor tensed up.
"No- no no no no- that's not it at all. I just thought you were a simple coffee shop employee. Butt really your a badass cop~"
Victor purred and held his hand.
"You never seize to impress me Yuuri..."
Victor was putting on an act, deep inside he was terrified now. If Yuuri found out who he really was... it was over. But Victor did not let his fear show, he was happy for Yuuri. He still loved him.
And that's what hurt the most.

Yuuri's eyes widened a bit as he looked at Victor. He blushed madly and looked away a bit flustered.
Yuuri smiled as he looked away before gently giving Victor's hands a squeeze.
"Thank you. I didn't make much with the coffee shop and I needed another way to make money. What do you do for work?"
Yuuri asked as looked at Victor with a curious gaze.
"You practically know me but I don't get a chance to know you."

Victor hesitated then got serious.
He leaned in and looked into his eyes with piercing ones.
"What do I do?"
He paused again.
"What if I were to say that I am the leader of an organized crime syndicate?"
He smirked.
"What then officer?"

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