Chapter 15: It can only be you

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{Art: Crimson-chains}

Victor smiled
"Hello yuuri~"
He leaned over and pecked his cheek. 
"Thank you for the breakfast earlier. I appreciated it."
He then started driving to the coffee shop

"You're welcome. I had a bit myself so all is good."
Yuuri hummed as he strapped himself in.
"What was your meeting about?"
Yuuri asked curiously as he looked at Victor.

"Boring Business stuff. To be honest. I really wasn't listening but they keep getting mad at me for taking so much time paying attention to you-"
Victor paused and glanced at yuuri
"But I don't care what they say. Work comes second. Your my omega, your more important..."
he placed his hand on Yuuris

"Victor you really didn't have to"
Yuuri smiled a bit and gently ran his fingers through his hair kissing his cheek.
"I don't think that you should focus less on your work and more on me."
Yuuri hummed as he leaned on Victor's shoulder and held one of his hands.

Victor looked at yuuri
"Yuuri... no..."
he then parked and shifted
"I thought I told you already that your more important then everything else... I love you yuuri..."
he kissed him softly

Yuuri kissed him back before pulling away and cupping his cheeks.
"I love you too. And that's kind of the reason I wanted to bring you here today."
Yuuri sat up a bit and leaned on the seat.
"I want to share my heat with you. My company has a new policy where omegas can take two heats every year but I need a bigger number since mine are every month or so. It doesn't have to be this week or even this month but I'd like to share it with you."

Victors face went bright red as he stared at yuuri
Tears flooded his eyes
He leaned in and hugged yuuri tightly

Yuuri's eyes widened as he looked at Victor and gently rubbed Victor's back "Victor you don't need to cry about this."
Yuuri smiled and gently kissed his lips. "Why are you crying?"

Victor smiled
"I'm just so happy-"
He held Yuuris face and then quickly wiped his face.
"I love you so much Yuuri~"

"I know you do Victor."
Yuuri smiled widely as he looked at Victor and gently kissed his cheek sweetly.
"You mean the world to me and I want to share my heat with someone special."

Victor chuckled and pulled him closer as he buried his face into his neck.
"Thank you..."

Yuuri smiled as he wrapped his arms around Victor and closed his eyes
"Do you want to eat now?"

Victor chuckled and nodded
"Yeah that sound great.."
he got out and walked inside
He kept thinking
"Why not next week. You stop taking the pills Friday and by Saturday you'll go into preheat and start nesting. And then but Monday you'll most likely be in full heat... then you should be done but the following Friday or Saturday."

"Next week?"
Yuuri asked as he looked at Victor and raised a brow.
"I guess. I don't know anything that could hold me back."
Yuuri smiled as he looked at Viktor and laid his head on his lover's.
"Did you want to do it at your place or mine?"
Yuuri asked as he held onto one of  Victor's hands.

Victor thought
"Well that would be up to you. Where do you think you'd be more comfortable? You'd surrounded with things with my scent. And there's no one else around unlike your apartment."

"I'll think about it. It's not like I've been to your house either."
Yuuri mentioned as he laid on Victor's shoulder.
"I'm probably going to shop around Wednesday and Thursday for stuff. Could you get condoms?"
Yuuri asked as he looked at Victor and blushed a bit.
"I would but I don't know what size you wear"

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