Chapter 13: I love you so much it burns

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Yuuri had checked the time seeing it was a bit late in the evening and got a bit scared though was a bit more upset since he was asleep. He opened the door his eyes widening slightly as he looked at Victor though yawned
"What are you doing here? It's already midnight."
Yuuri groaned a bit as he leaned against the doorframe.

Victor fished into his pocket and took out Yuuris phone.
"I found this... I'd thought I'd return it to you..."
He stated
"And... I wanted to talk..."

Yuuri looked at his phone and smiled a bit before turning around and tossing it on the couch. He turned back to Victor a bit nervous.
"Thanks. What'd you want to talk about?"

"I know somethings wrong and... I want to be here for you... because your everything to me... I noticed earlier but- i didn't want to push you but I should've been here-"
Victor looked into his eyes
"I'm here now... please... let me help..."

Yuuri looked at Victor and sighed as he stepped back a bit.
"Come inside. It's cold outside."
Yuuri murmured as he gently grabbed Victor's hand to pull him in.

Victor walked inside with him and closed the door behind him
he said softly

Yuuri turned on the lamp in the living room and sat on the couch.
"I did appreciate what you did Victor I really do. But then it made me think of how weak I actually am compared to those men."
Yuuri pulled a leg to his knee before sighing.
"I'm never taken seriously and I don't have whatever kind of power you have. You said a couple of words to those men and they ran like they were running for their life."

Victor paused
"Do you want to know what I told them...?"
He asked and sat beside him
"Do you really want to know "

"Yea Victor. Please tell me what you told them that made them run away cursing. Maybe I'll use it when dealing with criminals."
Yuuri retorted still hurt

"Well I told him that if he and his little friends didn't back off I'd brake his arm. "
He simply stated
"Their all talk and no real action. I've seen it before."

Yuuri looked at Victor and gave a small chuckle before rolling his eyes.
"Sure you would."
Yuuri sighed as he laid back against the couch.
"I'm sorry for being weird. It's just hard being an omega."

Victor thought and sighed
"I know... I'm sorry... as an alpha, I should be with you when you need me. And you did need me. And where was I? Not here, not with you."
He then took his hand
"But Yuuri I swear that's going to change. I'm going to prove myself to you. Prove that you can trust me no matter what happens. Show you that I can keep you safe..."
he smiled softly and kissed his hand
"Because Yuuri I love you so much... it would kill me if you hated me..."

Yuuri looked up at Victor and smiled a bit before gently grabbing Victor's hand and pulling him closer kissing him deeply. He wrapped his arms around Viktor's neck and ran his fingers through Victor's hair before pulling away and humming.
"I could never hate you Victor."
Yuuri cooed as he stood up and gently held Victor's hand
"Why don't you stay here tonight? It's late and I still need my big strong alpha with me."
Yuuri teased as he went to the main door and locked it.

Victor blushed and then nodded
"I'd love to stay..."
he got up and then paused
He wanted to tell him. He needed to. It burned him inside. But he just...couldn't.
He walked over and hugged Yuuri.
"I love you so much. No matter what..."
he said and held him

Yuuri smiled feeling warm in Victor's arms before turning around and wrapping his arms around Victor holding him as well before kissing his lips.
"I love you too Victor."
Yuuri hummed as he turned off the light and guided Victor to his room before laying down and looking at Victor waiting for him to get into his spot.

Victor walked with him and slid off his sweater and tossed it aside
Leaving him in just a t-shirt
Victor laid beside Yuuri and smiled  
"Why don't we hang out next weekend at my place anyway?... I would love to give you that massage if you still wish. And we can just. Talk."
He smiled at he and held Yuuris hand

"Yea. I'd like that."
Yuuri cheered as he looked at Victor and kissed his lips nuzzling into Victor's chest and starting to let off a happy scent.
"I have a lot of knots for you to work out so that would be great."
Yuuri smiled as he kissed Victor's lips before closing his eyes.
"If you don't see me tomorrow morning I probably have to head into the office early so don't wait up and I'll leave a key so you can lock up."

Victor wrapped his arms around him and took a deep breath
"Alright... don't worry about waking me up. I'll be fine..."
He smiled and kissed his forehead before closing his eyes and slowly drifting to sleep.

Victor slept sleeplessly he couldn't stop having nightmares of Yuuri shooting him or leaving him due to his truth. Yurios words haunted him.
"You know what you'd have to do..."

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