[E] Chapter 25: Forgive and Forget

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When morning came victor wasn't in bed anymore.
The smell breakfast in the air, but also the sound of Victor talking with someone.

Yuuri slowly woke up and when he noticed Viktor wasn't in the room stood up and headed out. He walked into the living room and yawned as he walked into the kitchen "Who are you talking to?"

Victor looked over and sitting in front of him was JJ
Victor got up
"Yuuri- your awake. How about you go eat while I finish up with our guest..,"
Victor walked over and rubbed yuuris back gently
"Don't worry everything's fine..."
he whispered to yuuri

Yuuri looked at Viktor and back at JJ before grabbing his wrist and pulling him back to the bedroom. He closed the door and glared at Viktor "What were you thinking bringing him back to my house! If it was your house I wouldn't be so mad since it's yours but this is my property and you're fucking lucky I don't kick you out right now!" Yuuri exclaimed as he looked at Viktor heated before pacing around and running his fingers through his hair "What is he even doing here?"

Victor paused
"Yuuri calm down- I know I'm sorry but I'm just glad he's not here to kill you-"
Victor sighed
"He wanted to talk to us... mostly you... but he was going to ask you to convince me into a treaty but I've already accepted. Hes was just about to leave..."

"You're lucky I don't kill the both of you!" Yuuri growled as he looked at Viktor and turned his gaze away. "Get him out of here now!" Yuuri exclaimed as he looked at Viktor and crossed his arms heading into the bathroom muttering Japanese along the way as he slammed the door infuriated.

Victor sighed and walked back out.
After a while victor knocked on the door
"Yuuri... im Sorry. I couldn't risk him hurting you and I can't really put up a fight in my shape..."
Victor sighed
"I'm... I'm sorry.."

Yuuri listened to Viktor holding his knees close to his chest as he stood up and opened the door. "After everything that happened how could you trust anything he had done?" Yuuri asked hurt as he looked at Viktor and wiped his eyes "I trusted you and you didn't even talk or ask me about it. You brought him into my home and acted like everything was okay. But it wasn't."

Victor paused
"Sometimes that's the way I have to act... I've made treaty's with people who've killed friends of mine and I just had to act as if it didn't matter..."
victor sighed
"I'm sorry... I'm-I'm heading out. I don't want to stay longer than I'm welcome."
Victor grabbed his jacket and carefully slid it on

"You can't just walk away from your problems like this Viktor." Yuuri murmured as he came out of the bathroom and held himself before rubbing his arms. "If you don't want to talk or work things out that's fine but I'm not kicking you out." Yuuri murmured as he walked to the fridge before grabbing a bottle of juice and starting to drink it.

Victor walked over to yuuri.
"I took the treaty..."
he leaned on the table
"It'll help protect my people not only that but the people I care about. And I'm not running from my problems I'm going to get everything ready for the signing in a few months..."

Yuuri looked at Viktor before stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Well I'm glad you took the time to discuss it with me." Yuuri said sarcastically before returning to his room and closing the door. He laid down on his bed gripping his blanket. He was a bit upset considering Viktor hadn't even discussed anything with him. Everything seemed to be moving fast and Yuuri could barely keep up.

Victor paused and sighed
He leaned on the door
"I'll will see you later okay? How about dinner at my new place. Just you and me... no interruptions..."
victor asked and waited for an answer

Yuuri looked at Viktor and raised a brow "I thought you didn't get the new place and you were waiting for me to check it out with you." Yuuri retorted as he crossed his arms and sat on the bed facing Viktor.

"Well... yeah... right. Technically I own it already but still. "
Victor sighed and stepped away from the door
"It's fine, forget it. I'll just talk to you later."
He paused
"I love you, yuuri..."

Yuuri looked back at Viktor before looking back at his lap and shaking his head "I don't know what I'm going to do with you Viktor." Yuuri murmured as he fiddled with his hands. "When I think I know you, you just pull something else off and I don't know what to do."

Victor paused and stayed quiet
He looked down before looking back at yuuri
"Well... you have that effect on me yuuri. Even without meaning too just the thought of you makes me do stupid things..."

"You got that right." Yuuri murmured as he looked at Viktor before chuckling. "I hate that I love you too." Yuuri teased as he grabbed a book of his and started to read. "I'll see you later." Yuuri added as he looked up and waved Viktor goodbye

Victor smiled softly before walking over and pecking his lips
Before yuuri could resist victor quickly left

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