Just To Clear It Up

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Okay, so you guys might be wondering about some things even earlier in the story. Hopefully, through this, I can help you understand things for the future.

So starting with, Cassie and Diego's relationship.

They have a past and they did something really hurtful to each other causing them to have hostility to one another. Yes, their relationship is VERY complicated because Cassie believes the Diego she loved is still in there so she tries to give him chances. But the boy just keeps blowing them off, letting his temper get to him. Their relationship is like, 'Fight today, Forget and love each other tomorrow'. So, if there's a chapter or a moment where they were lovey dovey but the next moment, fighting and arguing and yelling at each other, don't get confused because I did that on purpose.

But again, their relationship is very complicated and I intend to keep it that way until the chapter of their past will be revealed.

Second, Cassie's kids.

So from what I've gathered, the Hargreeves siblings are probably around 29 or 30 based on some of my calculations so that makes Cassie's kids around 10 or 11 because she had them very young. They are twins so they're born the same day to the same father so don't mistake her for a hoe or something like that. For now, you won't really see much about them but around the end, they will appear a lot more frequently.

Third, Five's nickname.

Roman numeral for the number 5 is 'V', so Cassie started calling 5 'V' because she thought it was cooler and easier. Five reluctantly lets her call him that but he secretly loves it. From when they were kids, they were called by their numbers from their father and Five stuck to his own number while the others got their own names. Cassie didn't like that so she gave him a nickname instead of a name. And no, they are not on a romantic relationship. They are strictly brother and sister relationship because we can't have Five be cheating on our Delores.

Fourth, Cassie's powers.

Her powers are all about the mind, mind reading, telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, mental and emotional manipulation, the whole shabang. Her number is 0 because Reginald hasn't classified whether she is the strongest or the weakest. Strongest, because she can decapitate and kill a person with just a tug in their mind, but weakest, because whatever she sees in that person will stick to her like a glue. It haunts her causing her to be weak and stop using her powers for a brief period of time. Almost like how Klaus is, that's why they're so close, they bonded with the fact that they hated their powers because of the fear and darkness that surrounds it.

Lastly, the updates.

Updates won't be that regular and it won't have a schedule. Most authors prefer to do it on their own time because we believe that if you rush us and pressure us to write a chapter every day, we will produce terrible content. I prefer to spend a day or two on a chapter and give you guys a good chapter rather than create a chapter a day and have it suck.

But thank you guys for reading this and I'll continue to update soon. Thanks! :D

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