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12 Years Ago...

He dragged his body up the stairs and silently wished that he got an apartment that had an elevator so that he didn't have to climb the stairs. But, what can he do when he's too broke to support himself and his girlfriend? Finally, after what felt like ages, he stopped in front of a familiar looking door with a familiar looking 'Welcome' mat and smiled. The ache in his bones made him want to just curl up and sleep.

"Cass? I'm home!" He yelled as he took off his shoes. 

"Hey, baby! Dinner's at the table. I was just taking a shower!" Her voice came from their shared bedroom. Diego smiled softly and wandered over to the kitchen where a plate of chicken sandwich and tater tots waited for him.

"Can I join you?" Even without seeing her, he could imagine the way her cheeks would turn red at the suggestive question.

"Diego!" She protested.

"Kidding!" He yelled back and he dug in, not knowing how hungry he was until the delicious food touched his tongue.

After a while, he finished. The chair squeaked as he stood up and he placed the plate in the sink, promising to wash it tomorrow. The hallway was dark and he heard the shower stop, making him walk to the bedroom and sit on the bed. He sighed and laid flat.

"How was the academy, D?" she asked.

He sighed before answering. "Logan is beating my ass. I fell from the run and my ankle's been sore."

"Sore?  Are you okay? Hang on, I'll come out in a minute." Diego loved the way she always sounded concerned for him.

It made him feel like someone cared.

"No, doll. I'm fine. The nurse lady was kind enough to give me some treatment for it." 

Shortly after, Cassie emerged from the connected bathroom with her hair on a bun and a bathrobe on. Diego sat up and simple stared, not failing to be mesmerized at the sight of his lover.

He slowly stood up and quickly latched onto her, his arms finding their usual place at her waist while her arms wounded at his neck. They stood there, just staring at each other.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Hey doll," he whispered back.

"You're going to be great, you know that? The academy can kiss my ass if they think you're bad. I'll beat that Logan guy up if I have to." The boy couldn't help but grin at the way she tried to sound intimidating but with her pink fluffy robe , she looked like a small little kitten trying to pick a fight.

"I'm sure Logan would run away terrified," he chuckled. "You, how was your day?" 

"Lunch hour was packed, as usual. But I was feeling sick so she sent me home. Good lady, she is." 

Diego's brows furrowed together as she mentioned being sick. "What? Are you okay?"

She shook her head and smiled softly, "I took a shower and already feel loads better." The girl bit her lip, hiding the fact that she's been throwing up. He nodded.

"I Love you, you know that?" He suddenly said, causing her to blink in shock.

"What's with the sudden confession?"

"Nothing, I just wanted you to know. In case, things go sideways, I want you to always know that I love you." She hummed.

"I love you too. More than you will ever know." And that was the moment that Diego was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

The new lip-balm that she wore was the same one Diego bought her yesterday and he wanted to just kiss it off her. Cassie's eyes trailed to his chapped ones and she slowly leaned in, causing him to meet her halfway.

The kiss they shared was passionate, not sexual or lustful. It was their true love to each other and their pure intentions of just loving each other put into a kiss. The cherry balm tingled in Diego's mouth and he broke off, making his way to her neck.

"Diego," she mumbled. His name was chanted as a mantra throughout the night and they wished for this to last forever.

The wind blew harder, causing her to tighten her arms around her body. The tears have already froze over and she continued walking, refusing to stop. There was no destination in mind as she continued walking down the sidewalk.

"Psstt... Cass!

Her head whipped around to the source of the voice and saw her little brother, in a van.

"Five!? What the hell are you doing there!?" She whisper-yelled. He beckoned forward and she rolled her eyes, getting around to get in the passenger seat.

"Now will you tell me why you've been hiding from me?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. Five swallowed, loosening his neck tie.

"Well, you see, I didn't want you to see what I am thinking about. I tried with Vanya and it didn't work. I wanted to see if I can fix this by myself."

"But clearly, you can't so you want my help, right?" Cassie finished.

"Listen, I didn't want to-"

"But you did, Five!" She yelled, clenching her fists. "You left our family! Vanya! Me!"

"I can explain everything later but I need help." Five pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"Help, as in world ending troubles, or help, as in girl troubles." She had a teasing glint on her eyes and Five glared at her playfully.

"I'm too busy for that kind of stuff." He defended. "But I need your help or this world will cease to exist in a few says." 

"Cease to exist? What do you mean, 'cease to exist'!?"

"It's too hard to explain quickly but you have to trust me on this. I know that you're upset with me but you need to trust me."

"I'll help you. But I don't work for free you know," Cassie leaned against the seat.

"Don't you think keeping a big secret from Diego and me not saying anything is enough?" Five wasn't cruel. He was just honest.

"He will know later. If we succeed, I'll tell him. Also, I trust you and I'll help you. But I'm not fighting. I'm getting too old for that." A smile crept up to his face and she rolled her eyes.

"That's fine. First thing we need to do, hijack a car."

"Oh yeah, okay. We are totally doing something not illegal."

"Sometimes bad things have to be done for a good cause."

"Why exactly are we doing this again?" Cassie narrowed her eyes at her little brother.

"Because if we fail, you will never see Artemis and Apollo ever again."

Y'all!! I haven't updated in a MILLION YEARS because exams have been killing me and my life is going SOO FAST. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a month and I promise I'll try to work on that. But you guys have been giving so much love and we're already at 7,000 VIEWS ALREADY!?!? But anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter and I will work on the next one right away! Bye-bye, loves!

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