Drugs Talking

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6 Years Ago...

Cassie stepped off the last step on the grand staircase of The Palace Hotel (A/N: I love you if you got that reference). Her phone was on her left ear and she hummed in response to Detective Patch who was talking to her on the phone. The driver held the door open and closed it once she was seated on the black leather seat.

"There has been no leads yet but it seems that they have escaped before we were able to get them," the female detective said.

The girl rolled her eyes, "I thought you were supposed to be the great EUDORA PATCH. I've done all the work by providing you their location yet you can't even go and catch them? I'm disappointed," she tutted.

A sigh was heard from the speaker, "I'm sorry, Miss Hargreeves. Due to their ability, I think they hacked our radios too so they knew we were going for him."

Gritting her teeth, Cassie was slowly loosing her patience. "Listen to me, Detective Patch. My empire is on the line and I will not let that hacker escape with my company secrets, you hear me? If you don't catch him, don't be surprised to find out your bank account is wiped clean."

"Are you threatening a federal officer, ma'am? I have you know-" But she was cut off.

"I'll have YOU know that you don't want your reputation to be smeared by someone like me. I'm pretty powerful, Eudora. If something of mine is being threatened, I won't hesitate to drag people down." Then she hung up.

After that painful encounter, Cassie walked towards the deli shop she passed by when she was walking to the station. A throbbing in her head made her wince and stop walking, turning to the side and seeing Klaus seated on the stone steps in front of a hospital while Five was pacing hysterically.

"What?" She mumbled to herself before crossing the street.

Five saw his sister coming and his intense gaze softened when she waved at him. He waved back and Klaus exclaimed, "Hallelujah!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Cassie asked. "And why are you all bloody?"

"Nothing," Five answered but Klaus raised his hand.

"Looking for the owner of an eye. And, I smashed a snow globe on my face. You know, the typical." The girl's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to process what Klaus just told her.

"An eye? What, did you decapitate someone's eye out or something?" She joked but was met with a serious look. "Oh, my god. You did!"

"No! I didn't physically DO it! But nevermind, it wasn't even made yet!" The little boy growled.

"O-kay. Well, I'll leave you two at it and grab a bite to eat, unless you want to come?" Klaus excitedly stood up and grabbed her arm, dragging her down the street. Cassie turned around to make sure Five was alright but he was gone.

Diego trudged to the boxing place he called home. Although the walk was far, it gave him some time to think about some things.



The future.

Back when he was young and naive, he believed he was in love. The girl, his best friend, his 'sister' (A/N: I felt really weird typing that). But she never was his sister. All he saw her was, the girl who was born the same day as him, the girl who was living in the same building as him, the girl who was going to be his wife, the girl he was willing to die for and, the girl he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

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