I Love You, Mom

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16 Years Ago... 

Under the stars on her window, sat two Hargreeves who looked up to the sky. The two shared her fluffy grey blanket. The boy, who wrapped an arm around her, laughed at her face. The girl, who was cuddled into his chest, glaring at him with a pout on her face.

"Oh come on, C. I've heard that knock-knock joke already." Diego giggled, pushing back a strand of hair behind her ears.

"It was Ben, wasn't it? It was him!" Cassie exclaimed, slightly upset that her brother told him the joke first.

"I'm not denying it," he pulled an innocent face. "But I'm not saying either." Their laughter died down until her attention was back to the stars.

"Hey, D. Look up there! You can see it!" Her finger excitedly pointed to her namesake. "Isn't it pretty?"

Diego quickly looked up, seeing it immediately. He turned to look at her to tell her it was beautiful but stopped, seeing her eyes glimmering with excitement and happiness. Never has she been this happy before, considering that a year ago, Five went missing.

"It's beautiful," he absentmindedly answered. Cassie turned to look at him again and saw that he was staring at her. Thoughts filled her mind and she turned red, hearing his mind and finding out he was talking about her.

"Did you know it's rude to stare?" She sassed, trying to not make herself sound too flustered.

"Not when you like it," he gave her a goofy grin. This boy was helplessly in love with her. And she, with him.

The 3 siblings split up to go find the others so they can show them the footage of Mom and their Dad. Allison went to find Vanya while Luther went to get Five and Klaus. He volunteered to get Diego but Cassie immediately spoke, wanting to talk to him. Alone.

So here she was, standing in front of the boxing gym that Luther told her about. At first, she was confused. Wasn't Diego supposed to be at home? But once Luther told her, she felt angry. Angry that he didn't call her to ask for help. But, sad. Sad that he has sunk so low to live in a boiler room of a boxing gym. 

The gym stank of men, sweat, and blood. There was a practice fight happening and she held the urge to gag, knowing it was rude and unpolite. Luther told her to go look for an old man and she saw the only old person there, manning the counter. Cassie pulled her hair into a ponytail before approaching him and smiling sweetly.

"Hello, Al?" She read the nametag. "By any chance, is Diego home?" 

The old man stared at her for a second before nodding his head. "Yeah, he just got back a few minutes ago. And what's with people coming for him? You're the second person to ask this week! Did he get in trouble again?" 

Cassie carefully nitpicked his mind and was surprised to find out that this man, Al, slightly cared for Diego. In exchange for mopping the floors, it was a surprise he even let Diego stay there. All because he reminded Al of his late son, Oliver.

Men stared at the woman dressed in all black with curiosity. Man, she was fine.

Knocking lightly on the door, she sensed his alert. Muffled shuffling was heard from the other side and she sighed.

"Diego, it's me. Cassie." The door opened, revealing a slightly shocked, yet tired Diego.

"What are you doing here?" He breathed out.

"Family meeting." She answered. Then awkward silence.

She shoved her hands into her coat-pockets and Diego looked down to his shoes.

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