Chapter 14: A great success! More discoveries?

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Hi! :D Shout out to @Kerriana88 and @Bloomlily101!! Yeah i just had to because these guys are ridiculous. And also @Salmonstar!

Anyways, so i am really bored. That's why i'm writing a chapter right now......yep. :/ You know, you guys are real lucky to have such an amazing *flips hair* person like me. Jk. XD



Chapter 14: A great success! More discoveries?


After making sure Wendy knew what Natsu and i were doing, she was Annie's babysitter for the time we were out. We're so lucky to have a cute girl like Wendy. She's nice too.

"Now Master will begin. We know that he is successful by sending Mira out once she comes out of his office and tells us she will be gone for awhile." i whispered to Natsu, and he nodded his head.

"What are you two lovebirds tweeting about?" asked Mira behind us. We slowly turned our heads and i had to quickly think of something to say.

"Oh you know, the usual tweets." i said, lying terribly. How did we even get to talk about Twitter in the first place?

"Really? Hmm i thought something was off ever since i saw you guys sneaking around yesterday. Must be my imagination." she said, as she turned a blind eye and went back behind the bar. I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

Lying to Mira was hard, her innocent eyes stared at you and only you, knew what demonic side she had.

I waited patiently, before i finally saw Master call Mira in his office. It was so real, guess old people have skills.

"I'm hungry." Mumbled Natsu beside me.

"We have to get out first, make sure Master is successful." I replied.

"So why can't we just leave now? She's in there already." He complained, shaking my shoulders.

"Natsu, if that was possible, we would have been out already. It's a long explanation, okay? Something too complicated for you." I sighed. Natsu pouted.

My attention was quickly moved away from Natsu to Master's office.

"Who's going to plan the wedding now?!"


"Now now, i'm sure while you are away, you will be inspired."

Oh wow, Master can really be impressive. He was able to coax Mira so simply. I'm jelly. I couldn't hear anything more coming from the office, so i figured Mira had quietened down. I looked at Natsu, who somehow found some food from who knows where.

I could feel Mira's presence coming closer, and i looked to see her in front of me.

"Oh god, you scared me." i said, placing a hand over my chest. She laughed. A sad look flashed across her face.

"Master seemed really suspicious, but as for now, i must attend to something. That means i won't be able to tell you guys about the marriage." she said, sighing heavily. I faked a sad expression.

"Oh no, that's terrible." i said. Really and truly i was glad that she was putting a pause to the endless thirty minutes she spent talking.

She didn't even realise that i was being sarcastic and took me seriously.

"I know right! Guess i'll go and pack now." She sighed heavily, walking away, "I'll be back here in a couple minutes before i leave."

After she left, Natsu threw himself on me. I glared at him as he gave me his signature grin in return.

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