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The sound shocked me.

The last time I'd heard that sound, I was in baseball playing outfield, catching the game ending out. It was one of my proudest moments.

This time, it caused fear. I sprinted down the hall to the gym and nearly tripped trying to stop. As I rushed into the gym, I saw a gruesome scene... A merry go round. It was not the kind you see at a fair, but a baseball merry go round. This is where the people playing in the field throw it around, seemingly aimlessly.

I stood there a few seconds, taking this in, and as I went to walk back into the hall, I was stopped by Linea.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the other side of the gym, where they kept the mitts. After I picked one, she pushed me into the outfield of the floor.

We played for a few hours, checked the fences and went to sleep.

I woke up to the aroma of waffles. I took my time walking down the stairs, and eventually sitting at a table with Linea, Joseph, James and Chris. I knew we all had matters to discuss, but this was not the time nor the place. Plus, I had a few things things to check for myself.

"Good morning." Someone finally said.

"Morning," I said, still thinking. "Who's the cook?"

"Newbie." Said Joseph.

I almost asked who. Between playing baseball and cooking for us, I'd say she is now one of us. But then again, that's not my decision.

I finished up eating and took the rest of the group upstairs. When everyone got situated, we began the discussion.

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