Dark Places

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(A/N: hey guys, so this chapter is based on an experience I had, and I regret doing it. So badly. Anyways hope you enjoy? No self harm in this one in regards to scars...but this is still self injury so please read with caution, I was in tears writing this, as well as the self harm, sorry if this upsets anyone, also thanks for your continued support, forever grateful xx)

Back to school I go. And after three days of being ignored, I'm actually excited to go back

I head downstairs after a sleepless night and grab my bag, everyone ignores me, which doesn't hurt.

It stings.

I turn round to see Tracy, who gives a smile in my direction

I smile back even though I know lily is behind me and there's a 90% chance she's smiling at her

'Bye' I say to Tracy, smiling

She just walks away like she hadn't seen me, I sigh before I head out the door, I look towards the minibus and decide to give it a miss, everyone pretty much hates me


I arrive at school and look up at the building, I'd been coming here for two years and I'm still not used to it

I still don't feel safe. And I certainly don't feel settled.

I check my planner before heading to class, it's dance! I love dance so much! Maybe today will be good!

I head over the road and I'm shocked to see the two classes have merged, and guess who I have to work with?

'Opal, lovely for you to show up!' The teacher says snidely as a giggle choruses around the room

'Sorry miss, I had things on my mind' I say before sitting down

'No. Opal, you're over here' She says, gesturing to an empty seat by Lily and Carmen


'Oh my god this is gonna be so fun!' Carmen says

'Here's the routine' Lily says handing it to me

We start rehearsing and I decide I'm gonna show them what I can do, so we can get the best grade and they'll see I'm not all bad

I'm absolutely boiling but I can't take my hoodie off, everyone would see my scars and laugh

'Right opal lily Carmen your up!' The teacher shouts

We head back inside and I take my place, giving them a smile

They give me a civil nod back and we start the routine, it's going really well until this one part

I jump and everyone looks at me in awe, all we need now is the landing, which would look amazing! I'm supposed to land in Lily's arms, like the routine said

But no...I look down to see she isn't there. She's on the other side of the stage with Carmen

I hit the mat. Hard. And my eyes immediately fill with tears

'Sorry girls but I can't give you a good grade for that. I'm afraid you've failed' the teacher says

'Well done opal. Thanks for screwing it all up!' Lily says angrily before they both storm out of the dance hall

I go the other way and head to the toilets to get changed alone, I was used to that by now.

I go outside to see all my old friends gathered round and I go to join them

'Hey guys! How's it going!' I say smiling

'Fine until YOU showed up'

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