Chapter Eleven

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The next day was a copy of the last and went by a little too fast for Aiden's liking. Today was his birthday and in turn, his experimentation day. Ignoring the rule to stay in his room, Aiden went to get breakfast. He ate more than he usually did for he didn't know when his next meal would be or if he would ever eat again. Once the boy finished he went upstairs to his room to wait. He took a shower to help pass the time then laid on his bed staring at the ceiling once he was clothed. Time crawled at a snail's pace as Aiden lost himself in his thoughts. It seemed like thinking was all he ever did now and days. There was a soft knock on the door. It grew louder when Aiden didn't reply, lost in his own musings. Bringing himself back to reality Aiden called back, "It's open!"

The door handle turned and a woman entered the room. She was in professional dress with a black blazer and black dress slacks to match. Her white undershirt had a few ruffles sticking out between the blazer but this only added to her outfit. The Asian woman had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail with a few strands of her silky bangs hanging out. Her glasses framed her eyes nicely which held black makeup on the eyelids. Overall, she was an attractive young lady in her mid-twenties but this meant nothing to Aiden. He sized her up. She seemed unable to fight, though her high heels looked very deadly.

In turn, the Asian woman sized up Aiden. He was a tough looking teen with dark hair and clear green eyes that challenged the world. It was reported that this teen was the strongest fighter in the entire group. Along with this, throughout his whole stay in the EGCs he had been nothing but trouble. To put it short, the boy couldn't be trusted. However, one guard trusted the teen completely: William. She wasn't sure why the guard took a liking to the child but it wouldn't matter anymore once he was dead. This woman assisted the scientist who would get Aiden as a guinea pig but she highly doubted the experiment would work. Not that she really cared. Nobody would miss these children not even their parents, most of them probably thought their child was dead. However, if the boy were to survive she would be highly suspicious.

"My name is Chen-chi Zheng." The woman informed the teen putting her first name first so the American teen would understand. It would just waste her time if she had to explain why Chinese people put their last name first when introducing themselves. "You are Mr. Blackburn, correct?"

"That's correct." Aiden replied, sitting up to look at the woman.

"I'll be leading you to your experimentation room today. Without further delay, follow me." Chen-chi replied, opening the door to allow the teen to exit first but he never moved.

"What if I refuse?" Aiden inquired, defiance in his eyes.

"Then I will call some guards to come in here or find you if you so choose to run away from me with tranquilizer guns. Now, will you come peacefully or do I need to call some guards?" Chen-chi raised an eyebrow as she waited for the boy to decide.

All the defiance in Aiden's eyes drained away as he got up and exited his room. Chen-chi smiled and closed the door behind her. Not really caring if the boy followed or not, she led the way as he trailed behind. They made their way to the central building. Teens who saw the two watched with curious expressions. Some even took bets if Aiden would survive or not. Ignoring them, Aiden entered the large white building and waited for Chen-chi to lead the rest of the way. Going up to the fourth floor, Chen-chi led Zane to a large room.

"Wait here, a scientist should be in here shortly." With that being said, she swiftly left the room.

Aiden stood in the middle of the room, looking around. "The government should really hire an interior decorator." He mumbled to himself as he looked at the white room. The only materials that weren't white were the pieces of equipment. Gadgets and miscellaneous items covered the tables along with beakers filled with strange colored liquid. Two experimentation tables were on opposite sides of the room with an odd-looking chair in the middle of the room next to Aiden. It was a complicated contraption with a device that goes on a person's head sitting in the chair along with a heap of wires. Honestly, Aiden couldn't make heads or tails of anything in the room. It was all foreign to him as if he entered a whole other country or world. The sound of the door handle turning caught his attention and he turned to see a man walk into the room.

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