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"Mia, Mia look here. C'mon say cheese. " Grandma's old-fashioned camera flashed before my eyes like a strong thunderbolt. Of course, it was 12 am, my tenth birthday and like every year, they planned something special for me.

It was the same old birthday celebration of mine with all those 90's stereotype decorations .Huh! I was used to it. I didn't like it at all but just for their satisfaction, I had to pretend as if everything was brand-new. For, I couldn't resist to even see a tinch of a tear in those weary eyes.

It has been  years since I lost my beloved parents in a car accident and ever since that time, all I have lived for, are my grandparents. My life is nothing without them and so is theirs: Nothing without me.

We live in the Rosewoods's countryside, a mini town in London. I am an eminent scholar at Stevenson Woods Academy and we are living a simple-sober life, in a small house owned by Mrs. Warrender, my maternal Aunt, who left it in our custody after leaving for Canada.

These years of my life were pretty hard but my grandparents assisted me with every petty matter of my life. They brought me up tolerating my mood-swings patiently. Though my tantrums were quite hard to deal with, they never even raised their voice at me..

The truth is that, somehow, I don't miss my parents anymore. It's like I've become quite used to that tragic incident which took place years back. After all, I had never seen my parents. After they died, I lived in an orphanage for a few days. I don't remember how old I was but grannys say that I was around six months old. Now, For me, my small world revolves around my PaDavid and MaMalicia (that's what I call them).

I sat on the long leather couch, sunk deep in my thoughts, pondering over the fact that how my life would have been in a creepy orphanage when a voice behind my shoulder called, "Mii, come upstairs, we have something for you."

I recognised it as PaDavid's voice and turned to look at him but I found no one in sight. He was still calling me in his croaky voice from upstairs. But I felt him behind me...probably a mere hallucination.

I ran up the old staircase which made a creaky sound when walked on and opened the wooden door with a bang, eager to see my present. I found my grandparents sitting on the sofa in the dimly-lit room and quarelling like little children as to who would present it to me first.

I crept in, unnoticed by them and closed their eyes using both of my cold palms. "Guess who?", I asked.
Okay, I am a Debutante to this world of words. I don't really know if I can write well or not but I have tried my level best to potray a strong image of all characters and to make my story intriguing. Constructive criticism is something I really want, and appreciation is all I need. *Negative comments are not something I will very heartily appreciate. *
Oops! The star at the bottom looks empty. How about filling it up and making it twinkle as beautifully as your eyes.
Lol.Enough for today. 😂
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Sweet dreams! 🖤

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