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How much fun it was! I still cherish all the memories of my 12th Birthday! It was my best birthday ever. No wonder I was so very thankful to my grannys. After my friends went away, I ran upstairs to see what my grandparents were doing.

I found MaMalicia and PaDavid sleeping soundly and peacefully. They shared the same couch and they both held a photo frame with a childhood picture of mine. I took off my sandals and entered the room. Tip-toeing, I went close to them and gave them a soft kiss on their foreheads.

This woke Ma up. She held me by the waist and pulled me towards herself. I put my head on her lap and closed my eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek. My chest felt lighter. My headache was lost amidst the love and affection of my grandparents.

She loving held my open, gold locks together and tied them up into a loose ponytail. Then, she softly moved her palms up and down at the backside of my head. It always made me feel better. I never realised when I slept.

(An year later)

I opened my eyes! It was 4:30 am. Dawn.
I looked around. I had fallen asleep on the couch. My grandparents were fast asleep . I wore my sandals and walked downstairs.

I carried out with my daily routine( brushing my teeth, bathing in lukewarm water) and then sat near the open window with a cup of hot, steaming coffee.

The fierce gale fluttered my long skirt. It was a blustery morning. The weather was strongly breezy. The trees swished and swayed making a sound like that of Autumnal winds.It was the day of my 13th Birthday. I was a teenager today. I was supposed to be in a happy mood and spreading merry around. But, somehow, everything seemed monotonous.

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