Danger Signs: Chapter 29 Deleted Scene

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I wrote this for chapter 29, but realized I fucked up and didn't stick to the original plan I had made. So enjoy.


Jay: Where are you?

Jay: Are you ok?

Jay: I miss you... I hope you're ok

I had several messages like this from Jay. They slowed down over the next couple days. I saw her in the halls, but claimed I was running late and didn't talk long. Every time I walked away from her after dodging a kiss, I hated myself but I didn't want to get hurt when she broke up with me. I felt the distance growing and she seemed to be clinging on, but I didn't know why.

"Rosie!" her voice called out as I was leaving art to go to lunch. My eyes widened. I didn't think she would leave from where she was early just so she could catch me. "Why have you been avoiding me like the plague?"

"You can't really avoid something like that," I muttered, not meeting her eyes.

"Rosie, what's going on?" she asked gently, reaching out and touching my arm. "You've been so distant this week and I was really worried when you left early Monday."

"I bet." My voice was almost a whisper in my ears as noise surrounded us.

Jay sighed loudly, yanking her hair to one side and grabbing my arm, dragging me down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she locked the door and stood in front of it so I couldn't try to leave.

"Please, talk to me. You're not okay right now. Everyone can see it but you're shutting us out."

That was true, but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I shared a few words with Paige in study hall, but I didn't answer of her questions about what had happened. But she had told me that Jay was really upset.

I had my arms crossed over my chest as I had when we'd been standing in the hallway. My eyes dropped to the dirty white and black-specked floor. "I saw you Monday and I got paranoid," I finally said. I honestly didn't know if she could hear me, but at least I said it.

"About what?" Her voice was soft again and she took a slow step towards me.

"That guy, the way he nodded at you... It looked like something was going on. I've just been waiting for you to break up with me." I still couldn't look at her until she closed the gap between us and took my face in her hands. My eyes were stinging, nose feeling like it was going to start running at any second, but Jay pressed her lips to mine for a brief kiss.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not cheating on you. I'm not that kind of person, okay. I know who you're talking about, though. I have a class with him and we're working on an assignment together."

My arms dropped to my sides, eyes closing and forcing a few tears out. "Really?" I said, hiccupping right after it came out. It was something that happened when I was emotional, which wasn't often. I had been through a lot of shit, but I never let myself get emotional about it anymore. It was the man who killed my mom who had yelled at me when I showed any signs of sadness, so I bottled it up and tried my best not to feel those emotions. I found my hiccup had started after the first time he yelled at me because I was sad I had lost my favorite teddy bear.

"Grow up, Rosie." He stormed into my small room, me sitting on my bed, tears running down my face. "You don't need that damn bear. Now go help your mom with dinner." He stepped closer, like he was going to grab me, but I pushed myself forward, moving past him and running to the kitchen.

I found her at the stove, putting something in a pot, fresh tears falling as I said, "Mom," and hiccupped.

I blinked the memory away, looking into Jay's brown eyes. They had a caramel tint to them in the harsh bathroom lighting.

"Really," she said. "Okay, I love you more than anything and I'm not leaving you." She smiled, her thumb wiping a tear.

Meanwhile, I was stunned. Jay had just said she loved me and I didn't know what to do.

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