Danger Signs: Chapter 36 Deleted Scene

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I wrote this for 36, but I didn't like how slow it was, but I still wanted to post it.


For the first part of the weekend, I was bombarded with messages about a sleepover before school started again Monday.

So I asked Maia, who consulted with Demi, and they said that I could. When hit with the "whose house?" question, I asked if it could be at our house this time.

They agreed quickly and I texted Jay, Tess, and Paige.

Before they arrived, I cleaned up my room and put some fresh towels in my bathroom. I faintly heard Maia letting them in as I shoved some boots in my closet.

Maia led them to my room, and I barely had time to flick my hair out of face as the door opened. Jay walked in first, a bag on her shoulder, wide smile on her face.

Paige and Tess followed close behind her, gazing around at everything.

"So cute," Paige said.

"Snacks?" Maia asked.

"Please," I said, moving my laptop from the bed to my desk.

She left and everyone sat their bags down.

"I feel like we should change," Jay said with a chuckle. They were all dressed in jeans and nice looking shirts, while I was still in Pink sweats and a loose blue top.

"Bathroom is right there," I said, pointing to the bathroom door on the other side of the TV.

"We're playing Minecraft, right?" Jay asked me, pulling some clothes from her bag.

"All of us?" I asked, trying not to peep into the bag.

"Well, not at the same time, but yeah." She turned, pulling her hair into a ponytail, Tess moving to go to the bathroom. "Aw, my controller is right where I left it." I couldn't tell if she was happy or disappointed by this. Using mine, she turned on my Xbox, sitting on the end of my bed. She looked at my games and grinned. "Oh, and you got the new Skyrim too."

I saw Paige smiling and rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I heard it was better than the one you told me to get. So I got it."

"Is it good? I haven't played it."

"It's okay, I guess."

"Such nerds," Tess said from behind me.

Jay rolled her eyes, letting Paige change clothes as she started a new game on her profile. "I just wanna make a character," she said when Tess started to argue.

"She always says that, but then she plays for fourteen hours," Tess said to me, rolling her eyes at Jay.

"One time!" she cried.

I laughed, hearing water splashing in the bathroom. A few minutes later, Paige came out looking more tired than before. Jay finished her character and saved before jumping up and going to change.

When she was done, we found space to sit on my bed with the snacks Maia brought us.

"She nailed it," Tess said, popping an Oreo apart.

"What?" Paige asked.

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