SDL Discontinued Version: Chapters 4-5

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Chapter Four

On the following Monday, I was back in the studio to work on recording a different song.

"Did you do what I said?" Janie had asked when she picked me up.

"You didn't say to do anything. But if you're asking if I had sex, the answer is no. Not that I'd like to talk about that with you."

Now I was back on the stool, head bobbing slightly to the music playing in my headphones.

"Good?" DJ asked, sparing a glance through the glass.

I gave him a single nod and he started the track again, pointing at me when I had to come in.

Singing had been my passion since I was young and I never thought I'd make it to Los Angeles, let alone work on demos with an actual producer. Sure, his name wasn't a household name, but it was a start.

When we had met for the first time, he asked me who some of my biggest influences were. I had answered with some of the most popular and powerful female voices in music: Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Kelsea Ballerini, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato.

He liked my answer so much that I had recorded a song that day and it was a breeze, since Janie hadn't been able to come that day. Ever since, he wanted her to stay home, but she insisted she needed to be there. I tried to tell her to stay quiet, but her personality wouldn't allow for it and it made my dreams of being in a studio into a nightmare because I ended up stuck on one part for hours.

I loved her, she had helped me so much and knew me the best out of anyone else, but she seriously needed a chill pill.

"That was great, Adrienne," DJ said, cutting the music.

I saw Janie about to protest, but quickly stopped her.

"Who's the professional here?" he asked.

She was speechless, sitting on the couch behind him, arms over her chest.

I hid a smile that she had finally been put in her place as I came out to listen to the song. It was a very upbeat song that would be perfect for a video, but I knew I had to be signed to a label first.

"You said Demi is one of your inspirations, right?" DJ said after the songs ended.

I nodded.

"You know, she has a label with Nick Jonas. We could try to get you signed with them."

My eyes widened. Before, I had just wanted to be signed. It hadn't mattered much who it was with, but the idea of being signed to Demi and Nick's label sounded amazing.

And I wanted to meet Demi, but I didn't know how likely that would be, since she had gone pretty much off the radar after the Super Bowl. I felt so bad that she had been hated on for laughing at something that everyone else was laughing at. A small scowl formed as I thought back to something I'd read about her checking back into rehab after being released back in November.

I nodded eagerly and DJ said he would set up a meeting for me and that he would call.

Janie and I decided to get some coffee at a Starbucks a few blocks away. As we sat down with our drinks-with misspelled names, Adrian and Janey-I grinned.

"You're going to fangirl so hard if you meet Demi," Janie said, looking at restaurants on her phone.

My brow furrowed. "Well, it's Demi mother... freaking Lovato, okay?" I had wanted to curse, but I remembered I was in public and that there were some younger children present. I got yelled at a lot for accidentally cursing near kids, so I was trying to be more conscious of my surroundings. "You would too, and what did you mean by if I meet her?"

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