SDL Discontinued Version: Chapters 6-7

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Chapter Six

"How'd it go?" Janie cried out as we exited the building.

"Really, really good," I said. For the time being, I wasn't going to think about having to fire Janie. I would do that when I got home.

"Wanna get some drinks?"

I sighed. "I can't."

She scoffed, stopping me on the sidewalk. "What, you're too good to spend time with me now?"

"What? No! Where is this coming from?"

"We always get drinks or food to celebrate. And then you meet with Demi Lovato, and now you can't go. What did she say?"

"Nothing. Can you please just take me home?"

She had her eyes narrowed at me and she started to walk again.

I forced a groan down and when I tried the door handle, I noticed Janie didn't even have her keys out. She stood next to her door, watching me. "Tell me. I know something happened that you're not telling me."

I groaned, and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You're so paranoid. Come on, just take me home." My feet were starting to hurt from standing in my heels for so long and I shifted my weight from foot to foot, trying to ease the pain a bit.

Janie said nothing.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be." I watched her from over the roof and she turned her head, smiling, but there was so happiness in it.

"You say that like you're about to murder me. Or break up with-" She stopped, leaning on the car. "You're firing me? Aren't you? After everything, you're just going to... get rid of me?"

"It's not like that, okay. I... You're holding me back. I didn't want it to be like this."

"Sure. I bet you got to pick a brand new, perfect assistant. Maybe one that won't mind that you're a total bitch." She scoffed, crossing her arms for a moment, then uncrossing them to look for her keys. "You know what? Find your own way home."

She got in the car and sped off. I jumped back to avoid being run over, and lost my balance. I fell, landing on my side, the pavement cutting into my palms and legs.

"Fuck," I muttered, grabbing my phone that had fallen out of my bag. Another piece of the screen had come off and I sighed, picking my bag up and standing. "Ow, ow, ow." Each step felt like a nail was being stuck into my feet. I stopped, taking my shoes off to carry them.

I had barely gone twenty feet when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. "Adrienne? What are you doing?"

I turned to see Demi coming towards me. She was by herself, and I wished she didn't have to see me like this. My eyes were watering from some dirt that had gotten in them so I looked like I'd been crying.

"What happened?" she asked, concern taking over her face.

"Janie," I said. "She didn't take the news too well."

"She just ditched you?"

I nodded.

"Fuck," she muttered, looking around. "Well, I can take you home. Come on." I followed her to her car and got in. She didn't mind that I was covered in tiny rocks and dirt.

I gave her my address for her to put in the GPS.

The ride was silent until Demi reached my street. "So, do you have plans?"

"None at all." I hid my face as I directed her into the parking lot.

"Would you maybe wanna grab something to eat with me? I'll wait for you to clean up."

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