Skyscraper: Chapter 13 Deleted Scene

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I worked on this chapter for a few days and I had already messed up by forgetting that Rosie's video was coming out, but I kept trying to make it work but once I got to where this ends, I was like this really isn't working and as much as I don't want to rewrite it, I'm not publishing this trash. But here it is.


After a ton of work, the apartment was done in four days, and I spent most of my time there, since all my stuff had been moved. I had also managed to get Mara away from Demi long enough to talk to her about getting a tattoo with Jay.

She was a little apprehensive at first, but then I told her what it was and what it meant to me and Jay, so she made us an appointment with someone she knew and trusted to give us good tattoos. She also talked about getting something for herself. Maia joined us in the living room and asked what we were planning.

"Totally not a huge house party while you're out," Demi joked, both of them laughing a little as Maia bent down and pecked Demi on the lips.

"Obviously. I'm never gone long enough for that to happen." She sat next to Demi who was looking at some tattoos on Instagram for inspiration. "Seriously, what's up? And where's Mara?" She glanced behind her to make sure she wasn't lurking, something she did when we talked about the apartment.

"Rosie wanted to talk to me without her, so she went outside, I think. But we were talking about tattoos." She looked at me, so I told Maia about the tattoos Jay and I were getting and the meaning behind it.

"That's so sweet and cute and I love it!" she said, pressing her hands to her cheeks. "What about you?" she then asked Demi.

"I'm not sure. We could always get something together, since we never got around to it," she suggested.

They spent some time looking at ideas and showing me some to see what I thought, or to see if I could suggest something for them.

There was one tattoo account that posted small tattoos, and they stopped on a little rainbow colored heart.

"That's cute. You could turn it into a little lock and then the matching tattoo can be a little rainbow key," I said, now looking at tattoos on my phone, just because I could. I didn't want a lot of big ones, but there were a few that I would consider getting. But I was also aware that some of them might hurt more than I expected, so I eventually decided I'd decide later, because I wasn't really looking to get a bunch right in a row, especially if they didn't have a really significant meaning or message behind it.

"Our daughter is a genius," Demi said, Maia nodding. "So we're doing it?"

I told them I was going to my room and I put in my Beats, playing some music while I grabbed my sketchbook and started sketching. At first, it was just rough lines, and then it evolved into a tree with naked branches covered in snow.

My playlist had started to repeat songs by the time I was ready to add color. My colored pencils, however, were at my apartment, but I didn't realize that until I started looking through my desk. I started for the closet to check there, but my door burst open. I yanked out my Beats and saw Maia, hair a mess, eyes wide.

"Get some shoes on. We have to go to the hospital."

I grabbed the closest shoes I saw and my chargers for my phone and headphones and followed Maia to her car.

"What happened?" I asked, sliding my feet into my old Vans.

"I don't know. Mara came downstairs and she seemed fine, but then she was doubled over in pain and covered in blood. Demi freaked and took her and told me to get you."

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