Lionhearts Discontinued Version: Chapters 5-6

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Chapter Five

Gabi's POV

Demi looked me in the eyes. Mine were still watering, breath hitching as I felt my knees growing weak. I wobbled, clutching the air, trying to find Demi's hands that were reaching out for me.

"Whoa, okay, you're okay," she said, gently, helping me sit on the sidewalk. There were a bunch of people around, growing blurry as they watched me hyperventilate. I saw some phones pointed in our direction before my eyes closed and I tried to breathe normally. Demi kept saying I was okay, and just to breathe deeply. "Don't worry about them," she said when she noticed me gazing off at a group of starstruck teens. "Come on." She helped me up, and started leading me away, a man following closely behind.

Fear overtook me, and I stayed as close to Demi as possible.

"That's Max. My bodyguard," Demi said, noticing my nervousness. I relaxed and Max opened a car door for us. I slid in, Demi right behind me. Max got in the passenger seat, turning to ask Demi where we were going. "Um, my house?" She glanced at me and I prepared myself to answer her questions.

"How old are you?" Not what I was expecting, but I was thankful she started off with an easy one.

"Fifteen," I said, watching my shaking fingers.

Demi reached over, taking my hand in hers. "Why did you think you were being chased back there?"

I sighed and told her about the encounter I had with Randy and his friends, leaving out the reason I had met them in the first place.

"Oh, I never asked your name," she said, but I knew the truth was getting ready to come out.

"It's Gabi."

She sent me a soft smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Demi. You weren't very shocked to run into me, though."

I laughed, a snort escaping me, making Demi laugh. "Okay, conceited much?" I joked. She laughed again, but her expression quickly turned serious.

"Do you have a place to go back to?" She looked to my left where I had set my bags, one eyebrow going up.

This was it. I shut my eyes for a moment, then said, "No, not really. I ran away from home. My parents... They adopted me when I was young, and they were great, up until a couple years ago." My voice cracked, tears streaking down my face. Demi slid over, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Oh, honey. You don't have to say anything else. But I'm gonna help you, okay?"

"H-How?" This came out much louder than I intended and Max glanced back. Demi looked out the window.

"We're almost at my house. We'll get you cleaned up and I'll figure out a way to make sure you don't have to go back." She squeezed me and I clung to her, leaving wet marks on her shirt, but she didn't seem to care.


Demi's house was stunning. I dropped my bags next to my feet, completely in awe at what I was seeing. The room had an open floor plan, everything connected and absolutely gorgeous. The white couches looked pristine with their decorative pillows arranged perfectly.

Behind one of the couches was the kitchen and an island bar with more than enough sitting space.

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